Writing an analysis paper
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Strategic Management for Cost and Viability - myassignmenthelp
Question: Talk about theStrategic Management for Cost and Viability. Answer: Presentation: The contextual investigation shows the developing utilization of digital currencies alongside its purpose behind advancement. There are three kinds of digital forms of money that include Bitcoin, darkcoin and Ethereum. In this current investigation, assets and abilities of little home clients are contrasted and than of enormous business production lines. Cost and feasibility of Bitcoin alongside danger of digital currencies are portrayed. Later piece of report manages conversation of Chinese government endeavors in cryptographic forms of money and their suggestion in around the world. Vital foundation: Budgetary foundations fills in as the confided in outsiders for preparing electronic installments. Nonetheless, this trust-based model experiences some innate soft spot for certain exchanges. There were installment and cost vulnerabilities that constrained the exchange size and decreasing the little exchanges prospects (Zhang and Song 2014). In such situation, it was required to maintain a strategic distance from installment and cost vulnerabilities by utilizing a correspondence channel that doesn't require any confided in party. This required the improvement of electronic installment framework that depended on cryptographic evidence that encourages exchange between two gatherings legitimately as opposed to making trust. This has prompted the assessment of digital money and one of the most celebrated case of a rising innovation organize for improving banking is Bitcoin. Cryptographic forms of money can be characterized as a monetary creature that prompts made sure about cash stockpil ing, decentralized and moving of cash that is empowers by web office (zerohedge.com 2017). This outcomes in example of cash between two gatherings with no expense. Vital condition: Vital condition of digital forms of money utilizing PESTLE investigation of the case: Political variables There isn't any administration body controlling digital forms of money and they are generally distributed between private substances. Capacity of central government to direct money related arrangement gets constrained by digital currencies. The serious conduct of Crypto monetary forms market would be improved through administrative bodies. Administrative exertion can be upset because of decentralized nature of coin impedes. Ecological components Market of Crypto monetary standards requires computational force with increment sought after. An elective wellsprings of vitality is required for lessening the discharge of carbon. The bigger money related condition is extensively unique in relation to digital currency and contrasted with customary monetary standards, there are a few favorable circumstances of cryptographic forms of money that has come about developed in use and utility. Maintainability of system of Bitcoin is influenced by the earth factor that impact inheritance of riches and fiscal framework. It is required by Bitcoin excavators to have effective gear for decreasing natural effect. Power cost of Bitcoin mining is evaluated at $ 70712000 every year. Diggers are required to find out an elective wellspring of vitality that would limit costs. Social factors-The social-social factor is one of the main thrusts of cryptographic forms of money advertise that includes reach, secrecy and investment funds. There is low degree of mindfulness and use of such monetary forms among individuals. Be that as it may, there can be selection of utilizing such monetary standards among clients if such installment innovation is received by more trader. Activities of Crypto monetary forms is bolstered by the world of politics of individual nations (Vitris et al. 2017). In any case, the adequacy of business in the business is compromised as the guidelines isn't serious their war on cybercrime. Innovative variables Firms receiving the installment arrangement of cryptographic forms of money would have worry about web security. The eventual fate of cryptographic forms of money showcase is affected by mechanical turn of events and web developments energize appropriation of such installment framework. Bitcoin is viewed as in the initial scarcely any phase of lover of advancement. Digital security is one of the issue that is influencing cryptographic forms of money showcase. Mechanical life cycle (Source: Luther 2016) Lawful components The unexplored and developing nature of digital forms of money brings about expanded worry about endeavor of criminal operations and the use of such monetary standards would bring about security issue. It is viewed as one of the significant worry of government and speculators. Fate of use of cryptographic forms of money is reliant upon administrative and legitimate arrangement that helps in characterizing the utilization of such framework in every nations (Peters et al. 2015). Financial components One of the positive pointer of digital currencies advertise is the recuperation of worldwide and US economy. Expanded degree of monetary exercises is probably going to emphatically influence the market. Serious condition: The serious condition of digital forms of money is dissected utilizing watchmen five powers of the given case: Providers haggling power-The dealing intensity of providers in cryptographic money showcase is controlled by how much the providers has command over ability or innovation that make exchanging costly or troublesome. Provider power is resolved if enormous number of providers are required to create item. Dealing intensity of providers in digital money advertise is lower and the market is emphatically influenced by lower exchanging cost (Carroll and Bellotti 2015). Purchasers dealing power-The bartering intensity of Bitcoin is low as the most excellent innovation is given at lower cost. Danger of new participants The estimation of Bitcoin is emphatically affected by internet business potential and it very well may be seen that there is high passage hindrances. Passage obstructions of Bitcoin is high that is probably going to decidedly influence the digital currencies (Elendner et al. 2016). This is so on the grounds that new contenders faces challenges particle entering the market. Danger of Substitutes administrations or Products-When contrasted with current installment framework that requires different confirmation framework prompting causing cost in such strategies and this wind up making exchanges expensive. Bitcoin plans to limit this expense and in such manner, it very well may be see that there is lower dangers of substitutes (Bitcoin.org 2017). Contention among existing among contenders Exit hindrances of Bitcoin is low and Bitcoin is decidedly affected by low leave obstructions. The benefit of firms in the money market would increment if there exist low leave boundaries. Key examination: Correlation of abilities and assets required to mine cryptographic money by little home clients and enormous business manufacturing plants: Enormous business manufacturing plants are required to make extra interests in the zone of mining of digital currency coming about because of diminishing life expectancy of mining equipment. Huge assets are taken up by flexibly chain, warm and power structure, calculated and regulatory overhead in the mining procedure. Extra assets are required for mining digital forms of money empower clients to buy mining limit of equipment in server farms. Bitcoin mining in enormous business production lines is finished utilizing cloud and it doesn't expects them to oversee programming, equipment, power and bandwith alongside some disconnected issues (abc.net.au 2017). Mining gadgets are required to keep in cool for which cooling vitality is required by association and business industrial facilities. Cooling power overhead can be decreased generously because of execution of various advances. Effect on improvement of convention is lower for little excavators when contrasted with enormous diggers. Little excavators are predominantly worried about value drop in digital money and huge production lines are worried about wild rivalry among the equivalent cryptographic money diggers. Centralization of hashing power another ability that is required by business power in the geological region. Little home clients uncommon required to have an enlisted lawful character and they are required to have more prominent capacity to impact the improvement of convention. Enormous business processing plants has a differentiated scope of exercises and the assets required are relatively higher as against little home clients that have a solitary area of mining esteem. Enormous diggers are required to have their own worth chain by running their own pool, equipment and mining offices. They are required to have appropriate managing hydroelectric force electric stations that would empower them to access to modest power (Biggs 2017). Nonetheless, little home clients are required to actualize effective pr ogramming for mining of digital currency. Cost and reasonability of mining bitcoin: Cost of mining of Bitcoin should think about a few boundaries, for example, equipment cost, power cost and a few different factors affecting the venture. Over the most recent couple of months, there has been fall in estimation of Bitcoin. An extraordinary low is enlisted by the Bitcoun trade with the worth tumbling from $ 1100 in year 2013 contrasted with $ 200 in the current time frame. The life span of Bitcoin is needy upon the immediate help from network numerous from mining separated from it reception on worldwide scale. The mining development in Bitcoin industry has inconvenient impact coming about because of certain cost that is required to support concerning this mining action. Foundation of excavators for proceeding with tasks shapes the premise of digital currency. Mining cost isn't thrown in stone that has prompted putting down of apparatuses by diggers. The way toward mining has gotten less expensive coming about because of execution of programming and equipment. Cost of m ining has decreased altogether because of utilization of sunlight based generators and power from winds. It is obviously demonstrated that life of digital forms of money doesn't have long life and it is respected that mining isn't costly. In case of cost going down, until there is an improvement in value, clutching Bitcoin is the alternative of excavators. In mining, rewards shapes the premise of speculation to individuals rendering administrations in understanding numerical issues. In this way, for
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Submission to Local Network
In their activities, organizations ought to order and bolster the guiding principle proposed by the UN Global Compact. In accordance with this, we are writing to propose the different procedures which firms should join in their activity comparable to anticorruption and ecological obligation. As per Global Compact, firms ought to conform to the Eighth Principle which specifies that business associations should execute different activities which are equipped towards advancing ecological responsibility.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Submission to Local Network explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to the Rio Declaration, organizations are accused of the obligation of guaranteeing that their tasks don't influence nature in which they work contrarily. This emerges from the way that the authenticity of an organizations activity is subject to its ability to meet the society’s needs (The Global Compact 2008, 3). In our activity, Hewl ett Packard has joined the idea of natural obligation inside its item promoting. This has empowered the firm to follow the Global Compact necessities. Along these lines, we consent to this proposal because of acknowledgment of the way that ecological duty is a key component in the drawn out endurance of a business element (Fernando 2009, 44). Notwithstanding ecological duty, business endeavors ought to likewise guarantee that there is a high level of straightforwardness in their activity (Mason 2005, 45). This is in accordance with Global Compact standard 10 which specifies that the private part has a critical task to carry out in guaranteeing that defilement is wiped out. Rule 10 specifies that business ventures ought to be worried at guaranteeing that all types of debasement, for example, blackmail and pay off are wiped out. So as to guarantee expanded consistence to the above standards, we suggest the accompanying dependent on our encounters. Firms should embrace an exhaustive re search in creating items In our activity, HP has significantly affected nature through its items. The center target is to improve the occupation of its clients and the general public as a rule. This is accomplished by means of combination of natural thought inside the firm’s business methodology. The resultant impact is that the firm’s items are of high worth. Individual from the Local Network should fuse the Design-for-Environment (DfE) methodology in their activity. This will guarantee that all the ecological qualities are upgraded in the creation procedure. For the DfE to be compelling, firm’s supervisory crews ought to guarantee that there is a consistent assessment of the program to guarantee consistence. Assessment can be achieved by defining supportability standards which ought to be assessed against worldwide standards.Advertising Looking for exposition on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper wit h 15% OFF Learn More Firms ought to define ecological duty targets and furthermore coordinate Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) devices. The EIA instruments will guarantee that chiefs put into thought the resultant ecological effect comparable to a specific business venture. As per the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA), business undertakings ought to define approaches which are planned for guaranteeing that a far reaching sway appraisal is achieved (Petts1999, 23). This will profit the general public in that organizations will have the option to recognize and survey the fundamental changes which ought to be embraced planning the item in order to lessen the product’s ecological effect. Considering the way that natural evaluation is planned for guaranteeing that the firm attempts its corporate social duty adequately, business endeavors will be required to embrace extensive interest in understanding the necessities of the general public (Tolhurst, Pohl, Matten Visser 2008, 244). The general public might be hesitant in offering their input with respect to the activity of the firm. This implies the EIA instruments may not be compelling. Coordinating a set of principles with accomplices In our activity, Hewlett Packard works as a team with different partners with an end goal to achieve its objectives. One of the issues which the firm’s supervisory group puts more accentuation on involves guaranteeing that honesty isn't undermined in the entirety of its professional interactions. This is accomplished through consolidation of a set of accepted rules with its colleagues. To take out the different types of defilement, for example, pay off and urging, business endeavors ought to guarantee that their business partners and different partners, for example, providers cling to business morals (HP Ethics and Compliance Office 2006, 1). Moreover, organizations ought to guarantee that their partners know about the different laws and outcome s related with the firm. This will relieve odds of budgetary misfortune happening because of contribution with debasement (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 1999, 29). To forestall any type of debasement, we require our colleagues to plan and actualize powerful controls. These are planned for forestalling and identifying different acts including debasement. In accordance with this, we recommend that Local Network individuals ought to detail and execute powerful controls. Through execution of these controls, both the colleagues, for example, providers and clients will profit. For instance, the organizations will have the option to work viably and effectively driving into expanded client satisfaction.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Submission to Local Network explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, there are difficulties which the organizations will confront. One of these difficulties relate with the way that colleagu es will think that its troublesome agreeing to the set down controls because of presence of legitimate and social contrasts (Vig Axelrod 1999, 35). The above focuses mirror a portion of the rules which individuals from Global Compact ought to coordinate. Thought of these issues will contribute towards expanded consistence with the Global Compact prerequisites. We trust that this accommodation will be painstakingly thought of and anticipate a draft paper that subtleties the way to deal with be taken by the Local Network. Reference List Fernado, Andrian. 2009. Business morals: an Indian perspective.Sydney: Pearson Education HP Ethics and Compliance Office. 2006. â€Å"HP accomplices code of conduct.†Houston: Hewlett Packard. Bricklayer, Michael. 2005. The new responsibility: ecological obligation acrossâ borders. New Jersey: Earthscan. Association for Economic Cooperation and Development.1999. No longer businessâ as common: battling pay off and debasement. New York: OECD Pub lishing. Petts, Judith.1999. Handbook of natural effect appraisal: environmentalâ impact evaluation by and by: effect and constraints. New York: Wiley Blackwell.Advertising Searching for paper on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More The Global Compact. 2008. Corporate citizenship on the planet economy. New York: United Nations Global Compact Office. Tolhurst, Nick, Pohl, Manfred, Matten, Dirk Visser, Wayne. 2008. The start to finish ofâ corporate social duty. Chicago: Wiley Publishers. Vig, Norman Axelrod, Regina. 1999. The worldwide condition: establishments, law andâ policy. New Jersey: Earthscan. This article on Submission to Local Network was composed and put together by client Melany J. to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it likewise. You can give your paper here.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Sites We Like The Electric Typewriter
Sites We Like The Electric Typewriter For the last two years, I’ve made a personal commitment to try and read more essays and long form journalism. While my goal is really to read through many of the essay collections I have sitting on my bookshelves, I also love coming across websites that do the work of curating great examples of long form writing that I can save to read later (using my current reading app of choice, Pocket). One of my recent favorite sources for online essays is The Electric Typewriter, which collects “selected features, articles and essays from the worlds best journalists and writers.†Each day, the editors post several essays a mixture of new and old on a whole host of topics. They’re often the kinds of essays that can make a reader deeply fascinated in a subject you never knew enough to care about, my favorite kind. Their best feature, however, has to be their collection of reading lists. For many, editors have collected 10 to 30 of the best essays on a particular topic work, the environment, sex in one place. Most lists are broken down further by topic, and each listing includes a brief summary of the article to help pick the ones that might be most interesting. But if books are more your style, the site also has a list of 100 Great Nonfiction Books to consider, with some expected (Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer) and unexpected (The Chronology of Water by Lidia Yuknavitch) choices. Despite reading mostly nonfiction, I’ve only read 20 of the 100 on the list I’m so excited to read more. If you’re a reader of essays, or would like someone to start curating lists of essays for you to try, you won’t do better than The Electric Typewriter. Sign up for True Story to receive nonfiction news, new releases, and must-read forthcoming titles.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Medias Manipulation of Friendships - 871 Words
As a society, we are seduced by the power of advertisements. An advertisement sells more than a product; it sells images, values, concepts of love and sexuality and most importantly normalcy. It conceptualises the world and our role within it. The media’s misrepresentation of the fluid nature of gender archetypes with rigid, limiting and immutable stereotypes constructs a distorted view of reality. We all know the idealised characteristics of masculinity and femineity: men are strong, powerful and protective while women are delicate, beautiful and dependent. However, this repetition desensitises us to gender disparity and encourages us to conform to the role dictated by the media. Thus, the pervasive and reoccurring image of males and females as binary oppositions in advertisements has pronounced gender inequality in society through exerting gender specific social pressure to emulate these constructed stereotypes. The Power Wheel campaign highlights the underlying construction of the binary oppositions of gender in advertising that is instilled upon children. The Barbie Jammin Jeep advertisement encapsulates the stereotypical attributes of girls to emphasise the socially defined limits of femineity. The advertisement’s safe animated setting with exclusively female characters visually projects a faà §ade of females being valuable, passive and dependent. Additionally, the recurring emotive language of the characters â€Å"jammin’ out†as â€Å"barbie girls†patronises theShow MoreRelatedEnders Game by Orson Scott Card Essay example2588 Words  | 11 PagesManipulation Today â€Å"Individual human beings are all tools, that the others use to help us all survive†(Card 35). This quote from the novel Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card foreshadows the manipulation and control that the characters experience throughout the story much like one does in real life. The novel is centered on a young, precocious boy named Ender Wiggin. Ender is chosen by the International Fleet to attend battle school where he trains for war against an alien raceRead MoreThe Emergence of Social Media in the 21st Century 2678 Words  | 11 Pagesinfluenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Genetically, if a family member is known to have a history of depression, it increases the chances of depression. Environmentally, if problems such as social isolation or social failures such as friendships occur, the person will be more inclined to acquire depression. A multitude of factors determine the mental state of a person. However, some of those, like social media influences, can be educated more to the public about. Although the negative effectsRead MoreEssay on The Life and Legend of Howard Hughes3925 Words  | 16 PagesThe Life and Legend of Howard Hughes Throughout the 20th century, it has been the media’s job to pinpoint what events and people would prove to be an effective story. This was certainly the case for Howard R. Hughes. Son to the wealthy Howard Hughes Sr., Howard became the interest of the American people and newspapers for most of his life. Being deemed one of the most famous men of the mid-20th century was greatly attributed to Hughes’s skills as an industrialist, aviator, and motion-picture producerRead MoreEssay on Pedophiles and the Criminal Justice System8452 Words  | 34 Pagesmost abuse cases. Usually the child knows the person that is going to harm them. The offender is usually someone that the child and his or her parents trust. The key to abusing a child is to gain their trust so they won’t tell. The offender uses manipulation, and even coercion to get what they what. They will shower the child, and sometimes the parents, with gifts. When trying to protect our children we must be aware of the signs that point to molestation. We must throw away our pre-conceived ideasRead MoreManagement Theory Practice16081 Words  | 65 Pagesdecided it was time to move to a bigger facility and to invest in equipment and employees. She says, â€Å"WE were in business making money and assumed that business was going to grow at the same rate it had been†. Grace soon found, however that Pyro Media’s revenues did not keep increasing by 30% as they had been but were dropping off. Upon investigating the situation, she found that big corporations had begun importing and distributing terra cotta planters, essentially stealing away her business. Boyd
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet - 1094 Words
â€Å"Tempering extremities with extreme sweet.†(pro.14) The Act II prologue of Romeo and Juliet uses quite a few extreme words, which, being a romantic tragedy written by William Shakespeare, has many hidden meanings, many of which are demonstrated through foreshadowing. Shakespeare, a playwright from the Elizabethan era who wrote many famous plays, was well know for his play on words, which often prefigures a later event in the play. In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the Act Two prologue foreshadows the extreme themes of death and blindness, love versus lust, and passion versus power, all of which will become visible in Act II. The prologue is constructed of three quatrains and a couplet, and within the first line of the Act II†¦show more content†¦Blindness is a serious condition which affects many on different levels, but it was implied when Mercutio says it that he was referring to someone completely blind because they â€Å"cannot hit the m ark.†(II.I.36) This is the utmost state of blindness, and is once again an example of the use of extreme words in the prologue and Act II. This quote also proves itself relevant when Friar Lawrence said, â€Å"burning eye.†(II.III.6) A burning eye would become blind, and this, therefore, subtly alerts the audience that the lovers are blind to the danger they will encounter by loving each other and getting married. This comparison echoes the prologue reference toâ€Å"extremities,†(line 14) because total blindness is the most severe state of being blind. While the use of negative extreme words may be frequent, the concept of loving one for their looks rather than for their personality was enforced throughout the prologue and continues into Act II. In the second quatrain, the word â€Å"bewitched,†(line 6) is used as an explanation for Romeo and Juliet’s sudden love interest. When a person is bewitched, he/she is tricked, enchanted, or deceived ; this is very similar to Romeo and Juliet’s romance which they believe to be love. It has been evident from the moment they met that the assumed â€Å"love†between young Montague and Capulet was lust rather than love because it was purely based on each other’s
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Mysteries in Life Free Essays
Mystery In Life Mystery of Life Elite is a wonderful gift tot God that given to us, even elite on earth or in heaven. Elite is the source of existence of every living creature. Life Is almost close to perfect as I have seen but you cannot deny the fact that life is not perfect. We will write a custom essay sample on Mysteries in Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now However. Life has its own mystery and mystery is Just unknown truth that we do not know yet or perhaps truth that will remain undiscovered forever. It is the domain responsible for man’s curiosity and stupidity. Our life becomes more mysterious because of man’s questions and lies, The curiosity of a man can lead him into his own stupidity. Many people wonder about the beginning of something or the destination of it but no one wonders about the purpose of existing something. Man starts to wonder when he does not know why those things happen, when he has an unanswered question or unsolved problems. We wonder because our minds are not capable enough to understand such thing called mystery. We are living now to the world that has a great number of secrets around us. Even though some of the questions before are answered now there are still mysteries that continue to reproduce. As time goes by, people still encounter those enigmatic facts, which make them curious and most of the time it makes them weird especially when they started to feel it and to tell it with somebody that close to them. It is very unusual to meet something that Is unique or a thing that hard to explain precisely and difficult for anyone to believe in It. Because of this, It may remain forever a mystery†¦ Origin of Humans For centuries, rolling of human Is soul a big question mark In our society. In fact, there are many theories and legends about the origin of man. The religion and the science have a rivalry about the derivation of humanity. Religion especially Christianity lamed that man was create by God (Heehaw). Scriptures say that man was create out tot mud and Adam and Eve were the great ancestor of mankind. However, science opposed It. According to Charles Darwin, a scientist, man Is actually comes from the apes and eventually evolved Into man, but this theory does not have a strong evidence because there is a missing link that Charles Darwin is not able to figure out. One more evidence that religion and science is not really agreeing each other is the origin of the universe. Based on bible, universe was create by God on the first day of His creation. While science has many theories about the creation of universe but they all contribute that universe isn’t made by God. This phenomenon has been the main reason of man’s maze. The conflict between the religion and science became the mystery of origin of life. They don’t know which statement they will believe because some people do not really know which is really true. But the worst of all, ignorant people believe on the lies about human. Religion is like a bridge where the other side of it is you God, waiting for you. It is like a road to your final destination, a paradise, which is so beautiful and peaceful; all round you was cover with love. Humans were not much different from the other humans, but their beliefs made the most of their difference. In fact, because of these differences they declare a war from each other, thus it produces anger, sadness longing for someone, hatred, hindrances, and new that is why love is being vanished. Christianity is the one of the major religion in the world that believes in Jesus- Christ, Christianity is actually derived from Judaism but they are not the same. Islam the religion of the Muslims and has a great number of believer. It is also the religion he dominating the world in terms of followers. Hinduism is the religion that believes in the three Gods, (Brahmas, Shiva, and Vishnu). It is the dominant religion in India. Buddhism is the dominant religion in South-East Asia, however Philippines is the only Christian country in South-East Asia. In China, there were three religions, which are Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism. There are actually some religions but they were not embrace by the other people. Nevertheless, some people do not have a religion. The Atheist is the non-believer people they believe only in humanity. I think religion is Just only geography. For example, if you will born in a Christian country probably you are a Christian and if you are born in a Muslim country you are probably a Muslim. People were so confused and hungry for the truth because of these differences. Meaning of Love According to the dictionary, the literal meaning of love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment. Love is also said to be a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection. Love may describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans. If I ask someone who’s in love they would say this words. But if I ask someone who’s heartbroken and I say, What’s love? Do you think his/her answer is different now? What if I ask you what’s love? What would be your answer? To love someone unconditionally meaner that you love the person exactly as they are, exactly as they were before, and exactly as they will be in the future because people change all the time, so if you love the person, you will love them even if they become something you disagree with. Love is not about you, your pleasure, or your amusement. It is not about what you get out of it or what the other person can give to you. It’s not about having a trophy you can show off with and tell people This is my girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, son, daughter, whatever. You do not own anyone. It’s not about you feeling proud to be with someone who always agrees with everything you say and do and never does anything you disagree with. Unconditional love meaner that the person can Just live their life exactly as they choose and you will always be there for them no matter what. Beyond Death No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow. We must do things final stage of life. It is the absence of life. If you are afraid to faced death, it meaner you do not want to see God then. Death is the only way to see God. After you die you will not leave home, you are now going home. The ‘Near Death Experience’ is phenomenon where people rose from the death after they have declared dead. There is a story about NEED; a woman, who is suffering from certain disease, is schedule to operate. As the operation goes by the woman felt that there was unidentified force that lift her up in to the top of the hospital, and then she saw a shoe on the rooftop. Woman serves as a spectator when she saw the operation of her win body on the bed, trying to revive her, but it wasn’t end successful. The doctor proclaimed her death, suddenly the woman grabbed the doctor’s hand and the doctor was shocked because the woman came back to life , then the woman started to tell what she had experienced. The woman precisely explained about the operation and the tools that had use to her. The woman also, mention about the shoe on the rooftop, then the doctor goes up trying to find the shoe. Suddenly, he saw a shoe, and then he asks to the woman if the shoe she saw is the shoe he is holding on. The woman replied yes. All of the staff in that hospital was amazed of what was happen to the woman and how the woman cheated death. There are really mysteries in our life and beyond death that cannot be explained by anyone. Heaven and Hell The heaven and the hell are the two final destination of a man. They are the two choices of eternity. Life there is both eternal. Heaven is a place or a condition of supreme happiness and peace where good people are believe to go after death, and especially in Christianity, where God and the angels are believed to dwell. Heaven is he sky and the universe as seen from earth or the place where God, divine beings, and saved souls live. On the other hand, Hell is the place of eternal punishment for the wicked after death, presided over by Satan. If a soul is in hell, it can never go to heaven. People are so confused because they don’t know where they are heading to. They say, they want to go in heaven but their act like hell and they also saying that they do not want to go in hell, but their action are still the same. The real question is there really a heaven or hell. If there, where is it? Why it is hidden or why we have to go here? These two places affect the destiny of a man together with his way of living. However, some people do not believe in this place. They Just believe that death is the final destination of man and nothing else would be. They have some points on what they are saying if you Just believed in you and yourself alone. However, for me, death is not the final destination of humanity it is whether heaven or hell. Moreover, if you really want to saved, have faith in Him; change now the way of your living. If not now, when would it be? Life is too short don’t waste it. You must hurry up before all things messed up. Surprises of Future Wicked you be surprised if the future has a plan for you? Maybe you will be happy or sad of what future will bring unto you. We are all busy now trying to ensure our future. We do a lot of works and we consume our time Just to accomplish it. We are We do not know yet our future or rather no one knows what is going to be in the future. If someone already knows his future, it would Just be a disadvantage for him because he is cheating his own destiny and cheating is a sin. All we can do is to live our life with perseverance and love. How to cite Mysteries in Life, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Asian International Students Problem In New Zealand
Question: Explain about the problem faced by Asian international students in New Zealand. Answer: Introduction: New Zealand, which is an island nation in the south-western Pacific Ocean and it is very much famous among students all over the world as study destination. As a result, every year a huge number of students choose New Zealand for their further higher education. In 2015, data released and it was found that, its international enrolments of students are comparatively higher in 2014 than in 2013. It has increased by 12% during the period of January to August 2014. Reason behind this increase, is the quality of education, flexibility in the education and work programme. Main source of international students are from Asian countries such as China, India and South Korea (monitor.icef.com, 2015). Background to the research: Asian students face major challenges in terms of proficiency in English, relationship with other students, cultural difference and social difference. Irrespective of the country they feel themselves as outsiders. Language barriers are one of the most common challenges faced by the Asian students. In addition to that difference in currencies between their native country and new country, staying apart from their home, from their comfort zone in a complete different culture is seems to be very tough initially. These are the major issues which are faces by the Asian students in New Zealand and it is very important to address these issues (Lee et al., 2013). Research questions: Research question helps to emphasise on the crucial aspects of the entire study. The research questions are as follows: What are the key problems of Asian students in New Zealand? How Asian study does differ from Western style of learning? How does culture of both countries affect the performance of the Asian students? Impact of problems faced by Asian students on their learning outcome? Literature review: It has been observed that every year a large number of students choose New Zealand as their study destination. So it is obvious there will be situations they will be excited as they are going to explore a new world as well as their might be cases when they might feel themselves insecure as they are far from their home, their nation. One can see there is significant increase in the number of universities and colleges in New Zealand and reason behind this is excessive demand among international students especially in Asian students. Now it is considered as one of the largest exporter of education, and it has boosted education sector in positive manner (Hou, 2014). These international students come with higher expectations, strong motivations and with the urge of learning new techniques however it has been seen that they come across many challenges like cultural differences in classroom, teaching techniques, difference in the way of learning, different approach in problem solving, in short the foreign students are facing difficulties in the path of their leaning. In this research, main objective is to examine and explain the issues which are faced by the Asian international students. International students and their learning problems International students can be defined as those students who are living in some other country other than their home country due to the purpose of education. They come from different backgrounds with different cultures and experiences. Not only that they have different knowledge and different English skills. So they find it difficult to cope up with the new pattern of learning. In addition to that they come across language difficulties, lack of social support, financial, psychological issues. In the year 2015-16 it has been seen that. 125384 students have come from abroad and studying in New Zealand (Kelsey, 2015). Most students are coming from Asian countries like India, China, South Korea, Japan. East Asian students faced problems in as their culture varies from the new culture. Most common problems are language problem, high end class room and teaching technique. These affects their engagement in education in western country. Language problems faced by international students After globalization English language is prevalently used in education industry in International universities. Approximately 1.7 million students moves from their native country in order to acquire foreign education and surprisingly half of them are from non English speaking developing nation. It is one of the most common issue faced by Asian students. It has been observed that most of the Asian Universities follows American English so it is obvious they will not be able to cope up with the Australian way of speaking, with their seep etc. New Zealand English is more likely to Australian English (Altbach, 2015). It has been found in many international students that they have lack in the proficiency of English and this is the reason of their failure with the demands in linguistic and thus it reflects on their performance (nzherald.co.nz 2016). Cultural difference and learning problem It has been observed that eighty-five per cent students who have crossed the national territory for higher education in New Zealand are from Asian countries. As education industry contributes a high volume of export of New Zealand it is very much important that the Asian students must get satisfied with their learning experience. Some western teachers think that Asian students are more likely to memorise things instead of learning texts technically with complete understandings. They use to follow surface learning compared to deep understanding of the subject matter. It has been considered that they want to achieve university degree with minimum effort. These cultural backgrounds arises conflict and contradiction about the learning styles of Asian students. Surface learning has very bad consequences on the students; it leads to poor understanding of the subject. However there exists some paradox too that if Asian students are learned by surface learning way out way how do they perform well in the western countries (Moran et al,.2014). Biggs has explained this as, education in Asian countries is mainly examination oriented. Their all teaching and learning methods are related to the examinations. So they focus on the memorising and recall of their learning. Asian international students hold the brief that is acquired by doing rote learning, and which is reproduced in assessment and examinations (Raid et al,. 2013). It can be said that the memorising power of Asian students can contribute higher level of outcomes. Process of memorisation and understanding the subject in deep for Asian students helps them to achieve their goals. So memorisation and understanding of subject are mutual concepts, one can say these are the two sides of same coin, and if can be used in efficient manner it will give higher outcome (educationcounts.govt.nz 2016). The cultural and social concepts differ from country to country. It is obvious that the Asian cultures and western culture will be different and some Asian students find it difficul t to adjust in the new culture, as they come with their local values, traditions and beliefs. Cultural difference is one barrier for Asian students. When Asian students do not find similar educational system, in addition to that difficulties in language, financial pressure, loneliness, discrimination affects them in adverse manner. In Asian countries teachers lead the classroom; students do not participate or interact as sign of respect. However in western countries students actively take parts in the classroom and sometimes they lead the classroom. These are the cultural challenges, which are faced by the Asian students and these hinders their performance too. Classroom experience and learning In Asian countries students are abide by their teachers and there exists a very strong student teacher relationship. Students behaviour is one of the key factors in the learning of Asian students. In New Zealand they follow Socratic Method of teaching. Socratic method refers to give more emphasize on the critical thinking of the study. This way of teaching is predominant in Western countries. They emphasise more on independent learning, participation of the students, knowledge construction and critical analysis of the ideas. These teaching methods facilitate independent learning of students. Asian students are lagged behind this; this is far apart from their expectations. On contrary, Asian leaning environment is based on the cultural values like collectivism, harmony patience and modesty. Participation of students in the classroom depends upon the permission of the teachers (Johnson, 2016). They mainly focus on the memorization of the study materials, taking notes and prepare themselves for examination. Surface approach is quite common in Asian institutes and they demonstrate their learning by appearing into examination (Raid et al,. 2013). On the other hand classrooms in New Zealand include individualism, equality, and competition. Students are allowed to learn from their everyday life and experiences gathered from their peers. Students express their thoughts and ideas; share their views in the class room. So one can see there are complete difference in the teaching approach and methods followed in the classrooms of Asian institutes and Western institutes. Conclusion: So from the above discussion one can say that there are major channels which are creating hinders for the Asian students such as cultural difference, difference in the social norms, lack of proficiency in English, and most importantly there exists a significance difference in their learning approaches. One hand it shows that in western culture is more collaborative and on the other hand it shows Asian system of education is completely facilitated by the teacher and it is unidirectional. So unanimously it can be said that goal must be to minimise these differences from the host country as well as from the guest country as it contributes to human capital and boost the growth of both continents. Research methodology Outline of research methodology: Research methodology helps in presenting the overview of entire research that will be undertaken to successfully complete the research. Research methodology includes research approach, research design and methods of data collection employed to undertake the research. Therefore, it can be said that research methodology provides a basic framework that enables the researcher to reach firm conclusion and fulfil research objectives. Determination of research methodology helps in undertaking the research in a systematic manner and provides direction to the research to achieve its objectives (Robson McCartan, 2016). For this research study, methodology has been designed on the components of problems faced by Asian international students studying in New Zealand. For this research, the various problems faced by Asian international students in prominent major institutions of New Zealand and its impact on the learning outcomes have been analysed. Therefore, to match with the research subject, positivism theory, deductive research methodology and descriptive design of the research has been selected. For the collection of relevant data, non-probabilistic sampling methods would be utilized. Further, both qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis would be employed to achieve research objectives (Flick, 2015). Research philosophy: In order to understand various problems faced by Asian students studying in New Zealand and its impact on the learning outcome a suitable research philosophy needs to be selected. Since, the purpose of this research is to analyse the problems faced by Asian students and its impact on the learning outcomes, it can be better analysed by utilizing positivism research philosophy. Positivism research philosophy aims at finding factual information gained through the process of observation and data collection. Therefore, by applying positivism theory the researcher can distinguish the genuine facts by recognising the elements of problems faced by the Asian students in New Zealand and its impact on the learning outcomes (Mackey Gass, 2015). Research approach: The most common types of research approach are: inductive and deductive. Inductive research involves observation, collection of data (primary as well as secondary), data analysis establishment of relevant theories that satisfies the research objectives. Deductive research approach, on the other hand, follows selection of relevant theories, hypothesis testing, analysis of data, along with implementation of these theories for analysing data and validating the theoretical evidences (Panneerselvam, 2014). In this study, relevant theories have already been discussed in the literature review section. In addition, primary would be collected and analysed to support theoretical evidences or secondary data. Hence, for this research study deductive research approach is adopted to that would evaluate relevant theories and highlight major problems faced by Asian students studying in New Zealand and its impact on their learning outcomes. Research design: Research design helps in interpreting the results of data analysis on the basis of research objectives. Most common types of research design are exploratory, explanatory and descriptive. Exploratory research helps in identifying the problem statement and preparing background for further research. Explanatory research on the other hands helps to identify the reasons behind the research problems. Descriptive research helps in establishing research objectives with the findings of the research (Yin, 2013). The purpose of this research is to relate the finding of the study with the research objectives. By relating the results of data analysis with the research objectives identified at the beginning of the study indicates that the research has been able to meet its goal of identifying various problems faced by Asian international students studying in New Zealand and its impact on the learning outcomes. Therefore, descriptive research design has been used for this research study (Blumberg et al., 2014). Data collection method: For this study, both primary and secondary methods of data collection would be used. With the use of both methods of data collection, the objectives of research can be effectively achieved. As the study aims at finding a relation between various problems faced by Asian international students and their learning outcomes in New Zealand, the relevant data would be collected from Asian international students and college professors. In addition, for developing theoretical framework, use of secondary data can be employed. Secondary data will be collected from previous researches, journals and other academic articles available online and libraries (Sullivan et al., 2012). Further, for the collection of relevant primary data, non-probabilistic sampling technique would be employed to reduce the deviation of responses. The primary data would be collected by the researcher by developing interview questions that would be distributed via e-mails to the identified respondents. In some cases, personal interviews would be undertaken particularly for college professors to get a detailed understanding of problems faced by the Asian students and its impact on their learning outcomes. In addition, for the collection of primary data, the sample size of 100 respondents would employed in the ratio of 20:80 (20 professors and 80 Asian international students) (Gast Ledford, 2014). Research method: For this study, mixed research method would be employed. A mix research method is a combination of qualitative and quantitative research method. The quantitative analysis would be undertaken by for 100 respondents through interviews and survey questionnaires. On the other hand, qualitative research method is employed while interacting with college professors to better understand the problems faced by Asian international students and its impact on learning outcomes of these students (Neuman Robson 2012). Ethical considerations: While conducting the research it is important to follow a methodological approach that follows the ethical principles of research. As a researcher, it is important to follow the principles of integrity, honesty, confidentiality and fairness in all the stages of research of research activity. By following ethics in the research, validity of research can be improved. Therefore, for this study, ethical principles would be followed. The data collected from the respondents would not be used for commercial purposes and only be used for understanding the research problem and the findings would be used for enhancing the learning outcomes of the Asian international students and other academic purposes. The data collected has been collected by transparent system by informing the respondents about the purpose of research and what the research aims at achieving. The consent forms would be kept by the principle researcher before the report gets published. The data and the consent forms would have the access of researcher and the authority that has provided grant for the research. Once the report gets published, the data would be achieved and stored in digital format. The questionnaire has been developed in such a manner that no personal questions are asked to the respondents. Adequate attention has been paid to understand the cultural differences of the respondents. In addition, while conducting the research willingness and convenience of respondents have been taken into consideration. The information gathered would be kept confidential and have access to the researcher (Millum Sina, 2014). Timeline: Reference list: Altbach, P. (2015). Foreign Study: Patterns and Challenges.International Higher Education, (30). Blumberg, B. F., Cooper, D. R., Schindler, P. S. (2014).Business research methods. McGraw-hill education. Flick, U. (2015).Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. Sage. Gast, D. L., Ledford, J. R. (2014).Single case research methodology: Applications in special education and behavioral sciences. Routledge. Hou, A. Y. C. (2014). Quality in cross-border higher education and challenges for the internationalization of national quality assurance agencies in the Asia-Pacific region: the Taiwanese experience.Studies in Higher Education,39(1), 135-152. Johnson, R., Kim, J. Y. C., Lee, J. Y. (2016). 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