Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Halloween review essays
Halloween review essays Starring- Donald Pleasence, Jamie Lee Curtis, P.J Soles, Nancy Loomis and Charles Cyphers. Halloween starts off with a prologue set in, October 31, 1963, when a six year old Michael Myers grabs a kitchen knife and slips on a clown mask, makes his way upstairs to his teenage sisters room and started stabbing her to death. Michael went back downstairs, he walked outside and he saw his parent coming home. His mom yelled, Michael, she took off his mask. He just stands in front of them with a strange stare. Fifteen years later, Michael Myers (Nick Castle), is now an adult, was at a mental institution for the murder of his late sister. In October 30, 1978, Myers has escaped from mental institution, went back to his hometown of Haddonfield. One Halloween night, Myers goes on a killing spree, singling three victims, Laurie (Jamie Lee Curtis), Annie (Nancy Loomis), and Linda (P.J Soles), two of which are babysitting. Meanwhile, Michaels psychiatrist, Dr. Sam Loomis (Donald Pleasence), knows Myerss will strike again. So Dr. Sam Loomis went to search for him and to try to warn the towns people to lookout for him before he starts killing. Halloween Directed and Co-written by John Carpenter (Assault On Precinct 13) and Produced, also Co-Written by Debra Hill. This movie was made in a tight budget. John done most of the production from camera, music score, editing with the help from his friends, strangers, relatives and also the actors help out. The point of making this classic slasher movie is telling a story of a psychotic person wearing a Halloween mask, stalking babysitters. Halloween is one of the best suspense, teen-slasher horror, thriller in film history. Despite being a teen-slasher flick, surprisely the movie did not have much gore or on-sc ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Points of the Compass in Spanish
Points of the Compass in Spanish The directions of the compass in Spanish are vaguely similar to those of English and ultimately come from the same Indo-European roots. However, Spanish also has synonyms for some of the directions as well as special adjective forms that should be learned. Lists of Spanish Words for Directions of the Compass The primary points of the compass include: norte - northeste (or, less commonly, oriente) - eastsur - southoeste (or, less commonly, occidente)- west As in English, the directions can be combined to indicate intermediate points: nornoreste - north-northeastnoreste - northeastestenoreste - east-northeastestesudeste - east-southeastsudeste - southeastsudsudeste - south-southeastsudsudoeste - south-southwestsudoeste - southwestoestesudoeste - west-southwestoestenoroeste - west-northwestnoroeste - northwestnornoroeste - north-northwest In some areas, the use of sur- as the stem meaning south is preferred, so youll also hear the variations such sureste and suroeste alone as well as in combination forms such as sursureste. Combinations using oriente and occidente, such as suroccidente for southwest and nororiente for northeast, are also used. Adjective forms- such as the equivalents of northern and eastern- can be made by preceding the direction with del (literally, of the) as in del norte and del sur to mean northern and southern, respectively. These are indicated below along with the special adjective forms: del norte, norteà ±o, boreal, septentrional - northerndel este, oriental - easterndel sur, sureà ±o, austral, meridional - southerndel oeste, occidental - western To indicate direction of movement, forms such as del oeste or desde el oeste for from the west and hacia el oeste for toward the west are used. Thus, an easterly wind (one coming from the east) is a viento del este, while to say that a door faces east, for example, you could say la puerta mira hacia el este. A few geographical terms use the noun form where the adjectival form might be expected. In particular, the north and south poles are often called the polo norte and polo sur, respectively. Similarly, the northern and southern hemispheres are often called the hemisferio norte and hemisferio sur, respectively, although terms such as hemisferio boreal can also be used. Capitalization of Directions Normally, directions, whether as nouns or adjectives, are not capitalized in Spanish. However, they typically are capitalized when referring to a recognized region. For example: Antes de la guerra de Secesià ³n, la tensià ³n entre el Norte y el Sur era extrema. (Before the Civil War, the tensions between the North and the South was extreme.) However, if you were referring just to the southern U.S. in general, rather the specific states that form a recognized region, capitalization would not be necessary. Directions also are capitalized when part of a name, such as in Carolina del Norte (North Carolina), Corea del Sur (South Korea), and Mercado Comà ºn del Sur (the formal name for the Mercosur, an international South American trading market). Key Takeaways The four main directions of the compass in Spanish come from the same historic roots as the English terms and thus are vaguely similar.The four main directions can be combined to indicate intermediate points, such as noroeste for northwest.Special adjective forms, not always similar to the names of the directions, are sometimes in use. Sample Sentences for Compass Directions Habà a cuatro muertos y muchos heridos en accidente de autobà ºs en el norte de Colombia. (There were four deaths and many injured in a bus accident in northern Columbia.) Gracias a su privilegiada ubicacià ³n geogrfica, el Sudeste Asitico ha sido una regià ³n que ha crecido econà ³micamente en las à ºltimas dà ©cadas. (Thanks to its favorable geographical location, Southeast Asia has been a region that has grown economically in recent decades.) Alrededor de 200 personas participaron en el chapuzà ³n ms austral del mundo. (About 200 people participated in the worlds most southern ocean dip.) Los vientos alcanzaron una velocidad de 50 kilà ³metros por hora desde el nornoroeste. (The winds reached a speed of 50 kilometers per hour from the north-northwest.) La nocià ³n de que ideas occidentales son subversivas ha sido recibida con amplia incredulidad, particularmente entre intelectuales. (The notion that Western ideas are subversive has been received with great incredulity, particularly among intellectuals.) La Antrtida es el continente ms austral de la Tierra. (Antarctica is the Earths most southerly continent.) Sur global es un tà ©rmino utilizado en estudios postcoloniales y transnacionales que puede referirse tanto al tercer mundo como al conjunto de paà ses en và as de desarrollo. (Global south is a term used in postcolonial and transnational studies that can refer to the third world as a combination of the developing countries.)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Answer for few Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Answer for few Questions - Assignment Example The rate of criminalization was high in African Americans which lead to black power movement. In 1964, the Black power movement became the civil rights movement as the Democratic Party declined to seat Black Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) (Gilmore, 1998.pp.175). When Black Americans realized the fact that there was no hope for them to obtain equal rights as White Americans, this issue then became the cause of major disorders and riots all over the land. Racism has played an important role in making the criminal history of the United States of America. The inequality in terms of economic rights and social rights caused the Black Americans to become violent. The white people were the true players who fought battles against people of color and different races. Surplus The essential fact behind this crime scene was that moral panic was greater than the crime. There are many crises which combined and resulted in the form of prisons and prisoner. There are social crisis and ec onomic crisis. The history of the crimes and prisons has roots indeed. The United States had the surplus ideology in the name of defence. Whether it was a conflict against Native Americans or the anti-capitalist movements there have been many crises in the history of the United States. During the period of 1970s the nation faced depression and there were surplus of crisis. The consequences of 1973-7 recession were combined with the surplus of 1981-4 recession and again in 1990-4. (Gilmore, 1998. pp 177). Prison Industrial Complex The Prison Industrial complex is the term first used by activist and the scholars to refuse the common thought that the increased rate of crime is the reason of constructing prisons. They argue that the main causes of the increased population of these prisons are profits and racism. There is exploitation of prisoners and the prisons by the big corporations, government and the communities (Davis, 2003.pp. 84). The 13th Amendment The thirteenth Amendment to t he United States constitution officially outlaws slavery except as punishment for crime (Davis, 2003.pp. 23). On April 8, 1864, it was passed by the senate and adopted on December 6, 1865. There was a history of slavery in the United States and it was abolished later, but the concept was so prominent that white abolitionists even found it difficult to imagine Black people equal. After the abolition of slavery, its effects on the society were still present in the forms of lynching and segregation. There is a relation of prisons to the slavery, segregation and lynching because all these social institutions like prison were considered as everlasting as sun. It can be clearly observed that slavery resulted due to racism and there is several evidence of prisons working as racist institutions and they are obsolete, whereas racial discrimination is also observed inside the prison walls and among prisoners. We just consider racism in terms of black and white, but we ignore racism in term am ong colored people. After the September 9, 2011, the mass of people were arrested who were Middle Eastern, South Asian and mainly Muslims. So, the question arises are prisons racist institutions? If it is the case, then like racism the prisons are also obsolete. Prisons are a â€Å"geographical solution to socioeconomic problemsâ€
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Environment analysis of Germany and Expansion of BYD Co., Ltd 03013 Essay - 1
Environment analysis of Germany and Expansion of BYD Co., Ltd 03013 - Essay Example The Third section is based on the recommendations of market entry strategy, and Section four includes marketing mix. The last section is based on the conclusion. Environmental factors have a huge impact on businesses; therefore, organization before taking start conducts the environmental analysis. Firm that are involved in systematic environmental assessment is more effective than those that do not conduct or analyze the environment. Environmental analysis is the study of factors that make impact on business and helps in identifying the opportunities for the organization and guide organizations to take actions that are appropriate in order to have the full advantage of opportunity (Jain, Trehan and Trehan 2009).Environment analysis can be divided into two segments macro and micro. The best common tool that is used to conduct the macro environmental analysis is PESTLE analysis (Bensoussan and Fleisehr 2012). 1) In Germany political conditions are in favor of the automobile industry, the government has policy to support the car industry through funding. In 2013, according to the estimates, the government made $1303 funding on per vehicle produced (The Conservation 2013). 2) The Country has policy to give a political response to the industry in case of crisis. For example, in response to 2008 crisis, a significant downturn in the European market by 11% was encountered; in response to the downturn, Germany introduced several scraping schemes that helped in increasing the demand of cars (OECD 2009). 3)The Governmenthad significant policies to encourage the electro-mobility initiatives and had introduced a â€Å"national electro-mobility development program†with more than 500 million euro investment (Germany Trade & Invest 2013). 4) The Government has policies to invest in new technologies and committed to spending EUR 70 billion on research and development on annual basis. Germany is the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Marketing a New Product Internationally Essay Example for Free
Marketing a New Product Internationally Essay Marketing is the field which deals with market. By defining the meaning, market is a place where people gathered and contact with one another, build relationship between two, in broad terms after the globalization world become a village and in this global business era marketing is the system of globalized promotional activities of a business which take place to achieve the organizational and financial goals The circle of marketing revolved around the market demands, product development, and reasonable proportion which can learned to instigate a market research that clarify the needs and demands of customer. Although focal process for a product promotion is market research, relying on that a producer can easily plan and develop his product well crafted, innovated, according to the socioeconomic factors, reflect the social and cultural ethics and will meet the consumer demands. Target Market and Product Information: Defining marketing on macro-level; the macro-level marketing is extremely challenging for an organization to market their product â€Å"Unique TV†internationally even branded by Philips, especially in Indian market which is a multi-cultural society have many social and religious boundaries, but economically emergent country and have great potential and competition in electronic media which create a huge space for television industry as well as competition. Marketing of a television product that is extraordinary and modern with built-in fingerprint scanner, and an innovative crafts of modern technology, the exceptional fingerprint technology allow users to customize the individuals settings, for instance when a person turns the TV on via their fingerprint the individual can set his own customized profile which contains his favourite channels, recordings etc. It is also ideal for parental control, parents can set the TV to only display the channels they choose for their Childs individual fingerprint as well as the time they allow their child to watch TV. But the perceived quality, emotional constructs, and a particular justification of the purchase can only impact the customer’s decision to purchase a brand. Target Market, Society and Culture: Before the satellite and cable network Indian had only one state owned channel broadcast, but after the influx of satellite and cable network a huge expansion in the electronic media industry has been witnessed, as well as great competition established in the television products. By determining broadly the rapid growth of Indian television industry since inception to expansion the social practices, including politics and democracy, sport and identity formation, cinema and popular culture has influenced on the daily lives of Indians. Today the electronic media cater immense involvement in the social and cultural lives of Indians, as well as India become a very potential market for the innovative and modern television products. Local Economic Development: India has traditional economy largely based on village farming, modern agriculture, handicrafts, modern industries, and a massive amount of services. The emerging sector of Indian economy is service sector which has expended remarkably in last decade. But a large force of human resource has attached with the agricultural economic activities, this sector retains the backbone of the Indian economy. Foreign direct investment is increasing especially in the telecommunication and information technology sector, but the privatization of government owned industries and entities is still debateable in the government avenues. The economy has posted an average growth rate of more than 7% in the decade since 1997, reducing poverty by about 10 percentage points. India achieved 8. 5% GDP growth in 2006, and again in 2007, significantly expanding production of manufactures. Software industry is the emergent sector of Indian economy; government is capitalizing on the human resource especially English literacy for a competent force to raise the exports of software products and services to western world. This economic growth facilitates India to reduce the fiscal deficit, but the boom in speculative real state business and increased interest rates have influenced the inflation in 2006 to 2007. But a huge problem facing by India is growing population. (Central Intelligence Agency, 2008) Regional Economic Development: Asian economy comprises on the 4 billion people living in 46 different states (60% of the world population). Asia is largest continent of the world and six fourth stats of the world lie in Asia with world’s second largest economy China. The wealth and economic activities of Asia are distributed in different states of Asia as others; which is because of its large size and multiple state’s differing cultures, environments, historical ties and government systems. In term of nominal GDP the large economies in Asia are Japan, China, India, and South Korea. By measuring the economically Asia pertains China, the second larges economy in the world by nominal GDP, to Cambodia one of the poorest. The GDP of china in term of purchasing power parity to be the largest economy in Asia and the second largest economy in the world, followed by Japan and India as the worlds third and fourth largest economies respectively. Market Competition: As Indian retains the third largest economy of the world, and massive social and cultural influence on the television industry generates enormous competition in the television industry. India now producing diversity of television products locally, as well as international products is also there. With these competitive forces it is very hard for a new product to attract the audience, but not as much hard for a product with some extra ordinary and exceptional features, to mesmerize and accomplish the needs of the users. As compare with the other products the new and innovative product â€Å"Unique TV†can make a difference, because of its fingerprint scanner which can help the user to control and customize the profile of every individual. After the creation and deep study of international and regional scenario the producer and marketer follows second challenge to market the product with new scientific methodologies, which can effectively get the quick and excellent response of the customer. Brand Marketing: There are enumerated factors that affect the buying intentions of customers as quality of services, equity, perceived value, satisfaction, past loyalty, perceived cost of changing supplier and brand perception. Most of them variables are inter-related and they impinge upon customer purchase behaviour cumulatively. High quality products can be created without input from marketing. However, in practice, it has been established that products that make market success received market or customer research support. There are several determinants that contribute to the success of a brand. The ideas of brand marketing lead to the recognition of the research as being based on consumer perception. This leads to the question if different ethnic backgrounds impact the consumer perception of the brand strategies. Marketing Methodologies: Questionnaire Survey:- The survey questionnaire was chosen for its cost effectiveness. The telephone questionnaire allows for a sample population to be easily reached with responses documented and easily dissected using data entry and statistical analyzing methods. Because of their widespread use, questionnaires are non-confrontational to the sample population and do not force opinions or options, allowing for accurate and viable responses to be gathered with little bias or influence from the researchers or complicated research equipment. The questionnaire development will take into consideration possible defects in the question distribution and has made all attempts to use common language and word organisation that is not technical or industry based with the hopes to remove the larger concerns in relation to comprehension and cognition. However, it is important to note that in any research methodology that is dealing with human responses to qualitative or quantitative questions remains the possibility of language bias. Advertisement:- Advertising is any paid form of no personal presentation of ideas, products, or services by an identified sponsor. Most advertising media are mass media: e. g. newspapers, magazines, television, radio, billboards, etc. Thus rather than transmitting messages to one buyer, most ads communicate to thousands or even millions of buyers: this makes each contact for less expensive than personal sales presentation. Sales Promotion:- Like personal selling and advertising, sales promotion stimulates consumer buying and middlemen’s effectiveness, but with a wide variety of means. Sales promotion tactics are expected to supplement salespeople and advertising to make them more effective. Retail store window displays, product sampling, premium offers, and coupons are all examples of sales promotion. In contrast personal selling and advertising, many sales promotions are non-continuing, such as exhibits at fairs or contests. Manufacturers and retailers have substantial control over their sales promotions. Publicity:- In contrast to â€Å"Advertisement†, â€Å"Publicity†may be defined as any â€Å"Unpaid†form of non-personal presentation of ideas, goods or services. Personal selling advertising and sales promotional are all direct forms of promotion, whereas publicity is indirect: a firm cannot just go out and buy it. Publicity has been defined as non-personal stimulation of demand for a product, service, or business firm by planting commercially significant news about it in communications media. Some publicity about companies and brands is of course not solicited by sellers: indeed, it may even be negative. Conclusion: In brief we have reached on the conclusion that the most important activity in the business and to promote a brand is marketing. From above literature, it can be stated that marketing in general is based on the consumer’s perception of the brand, regional and local economical factor, social and cultural manners and the methodologies applied to market the product. The perceived quality, emotional constructs, and justification of the purchase impact the customer’s decision to purchase a brand. This research demonstrates that market research cater foci point of marketing strategy, then identifying the organizational and product’s potentials for the effective product understanding, the marketing consultant and organization should analyze the product strengths and weaknesses to cover it with appropriation. To determine the supply and demand identify the main competitors, and craft a good and competitive piece of product which can compete according to the economical and technological factors prevailed in the market. Then the identification of distribution options is to be the major decision to market the product, a great establishment of distribution channels will pertains a great proportion in successful marketing of a product. Marketing and advertisement campaigns play pivotal role in the success of any product. However, a significant amount of money, time and resources have to place behind marketing to the ethnic (or minority) â€Å"masses†and that was many years on the making when an organization advocated for that initiative, that too was looked upon as radical. Coming off the heels of that accomplishment, painting the picture of a viable affluent ethnic consumer might be easier. Ultimately, relevant, comprehensive and actionable insight will lead to informed business decisions and the implementation of marketing best practices. If the world has changed so must a brands attitude and actions towards marketing to new target audiences.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Nuclear Energy :: essays research papers
Nuclear Energy During the twentieth century scientists have discovered how to unleash the most powerful energy of all; Nuclear energy. The study of nuclear energy began for the same reasons that most scientific studies are begun; to understand more about the universe and the laws by which the universe works. The more knowledge we have about the universe, the more we can control the world in which we live. Â Â Â Â Â Nuclear energy is contained in the center, or nucleus of an atom. This energy is also known as atomic energy because its obtained from atoms, unfortunately this is not a good choice of words (because many other energies are obtained from atoms). An atomic bomb explosion shows just how powerful muclear energy really is. Such as the underwater explosion of an atomic bomb at Bikini during 1946. This powerful type of energy comes from many things such as atoms and subatomic particles; an atom is a tiny bit of matter that has very little weight. They are much too light to be weighed directly, but scientists have developed methods of determining these tiny weightd by using special labratory instruments. Hydrogen is the lightest of all atoms and carbon atoms weigh twelve times more than the hydrogen atom. Atoms that make up one alement are not like atoms that make up another element. Â Â Â Â Â These (atoms) are not simple particles, their structure is very complexe. They are, in fact, made up of smaller bits of matter called subatomic particles. An atom has two parts. Those two parts are; 1)at the center is a nucleus, a densely packed core composed of two kinds of paticles: protons and neutrons and 2)electrons. The charge in a nucleus of an atom is carried by a particle called a proton, the number of protons in an atom's nucleus is calle the atomic number of the atom. Atomic numbers are always whole numbers such as +92. Each atomic number is always a whole number, and each chemical element has its own atomic number. Protons have a positive electrical charge, yet electrons have a negative charge and since opposite charges attract, it keeps them in their orbits around the nucleus. Neutrons are neutral and weigh a bit more than protons. The breaking apart or joining together of atomic nuclei is called a nuclear reaction. A tramendous amount of energy may be released by a nuclear reaction. Nuclear energy is housed in a nuclear reactor. There are many types of nuclear reactors such as a pressurized water reactor. Â Â Â Â Â There is no specific place where nuclear nergy may be found, neither is there a special geographical place a nuclear power plant must be located.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Unit 12 – Public Health – Task 1
During the 1800’s the overall health of the public was extremely poor, children and babies were dying in their thousands, and adults would work in the most horrific of conditions. Families of 8 or 9 would live in 1 room where they all slept, ate and washed if they had the water to, the sewage was all over the place as there was no proper sewage lines, People had to bath in the same water they urinated in, they also had to drink this dirty water as it was the only water they had access to.The working conditions were even worse as some people had to work in bare feet when there was sewage covering their toes, there was no health and safety regulation acts so people would have accidents every day and they would breathe in the most dangerous chemicals while working in large factories such as the cotton factory. Children as young as 8 were in work to earn clothes and food for themselves and to have a bed to sleep in at night instead of the waste covered floor. Most families were se nt to a work house where they worked 12-14 hour shifts in order to gain clothes, food and a bed to sleep in for the night.The families would be separated into men, women and children and they would work in different areas of the factory doing different jobs such as splitting ropes or breaking rocks, while living in the workhouse each family that were separated would have no access to their family members and birthdays weren’t even thought about because no births and deaths were recorded so the mothers and fathers would forget when they had their child and the child would be too young to know the date of its birthday.Most people would have died in the workhouse because they would be worked hard every day and some people would have accidents with the machinery and as there was no medical services the people would die of loss of blood or their wounds would get infected and they would have died of an infectious disease. As there was no medical service random women who had no trai ning or have no idea about how to deliver babies would help pregnant women give birth to their children and they would use all sorts of random equipment to cut the umbilical cord and some women even used their teeth as there was nothing sharp enough to cut it.During these times there were loads of diseases that would develop because of the lack of medical service, clean water and access to proper foods. The most common disease was cholera which would kill a house full of people within a couple of days and it would spread to the next family and kill them or make them very ill which would eventually kill them as there was no cure or medicine they could get hold so because of cholera people would die in there thousands as it was a very nasty disease.A scientist called Edward Chadwick was the first person to make a vaccine against cholera, he did this by injecting babies and children with a small amount of the disease along with some antibodies so the body could produce the right antibo dies to fight the disease and leave the child with immunity from cholera. The first act to come to power was the Public Health Act which came out in 1848. This man called John snow was the first person to make the connection between poor living conditions, such as dirty water, and the rise on disease.After this conclusion vaccinations were first created and used to get rid of smallpox. The next act to come into power was the midwifes act at in 1902 which came with the registration of midwifes act as well, both of these acts together ensured that women were trained in delivering babies and they were put on a register so doctors knew who were midwifes so they could send someone to assist in the birth process.Due to this a lot of babies were successfully born and they stayed alive for a lot longer as there was proper midwifes to aid the birth and make sure the umbilical cord was cut correctly using the proper equipment. After this was created the Central board of midwifes was made, thi s ensured that all people that were trained as midwifes due to the midwife act was registered with the central board. In 1904 there was an interdepartmental survey on physical deterioration which was used to find out the health of the population.Shortly after that the education act came out in 1906 which ensured that children go to school and get an education, it also brought out school meals where each child would get a hot meal and sometimes it will be the only hot meal they get that day. After that another education act came out in 1907 this ensured that schools had medical services which included a nit nurse who would check the children regulary for head lice. The school nurse would also be responsible for checking the children for signs of disease and illness.During that time the notification of births act came out which meant that each baby had to be registered after birth so the government can keep track of the population and it also was the start of the health visiting servi ce, this was created because the government had no idea how many births and deaths there were so they couldn’t plan medical treatments or build hospitals. So this was created so the government can keep track of ow the population was growing and what percentage of people were dying so they could try and fix the problems people were having. In 1911 the national insurance act came out which gave workers health insurance this would be paid for by the government taking some of their money from their pay cheques. Seven years later the emergency medical services act came in to power in 1918, this meant that there was an emergency service for people who need urgent medical care, this was the start of proper medical care.This came out because people who were in wold war one needed emergency care after being attacked. They needed emergency care to make sure the soldiers were looked after properly and injuries were checked and properly treated to stop them becoming infected and to stop soldiers dying. After a few years another emergency medical service act came out in 1940, this was introduced due to the war because people were getting injured and needed urgent medical care, so it was introduced to help the soldiers in need.After that was put into place the nation health service was born. In 1942 the nation health service was introduced to give people free health care and free health services such as dentistry. These services were free to anybody which meant that health problems could be dealt with properly. Doctors surgeries where built in most areas so people had a place to go, hospitals were also built in most busy areas around the country so people had a place to go when they had an emergency or if they needed to see a specialist doctor.In 1991 the national health service and community care act came out, this meant that there was more free doctors, more free hospitals around the country and there was new self-remedies to treat problems, for example people used salt bags to treat ear ache and brown paper and goose fat to treat chest infections. During the 20th century there were a number of papers/reports that came out which discussed what needed to be done and what is being done to help the country become healthier.The first report to come out was a report about rationalising, this was important because the country was in World War 2. The report was made to tell people that every day or one day a week they would be able collect certain food items and certain weights or quantities, this then made people healthier because they had what they needed to have a balanced diet and they weren’t allowed any different food which will make them unhealthy, it also allowed each person to have the same foods so they were all able to keep healthy and they were able to control how the nation te, which would make them healthier and stopping some of the health problems they were facing such as malnutrition. After that the Beveridge report came out i n 1942 which decided that there should be free health care for everybody. This meant that the working class had to pay taxes for the nation to get the free health care. At first there was free health care, free dental care and free glasses to everyone who needed them but after a while the government decided to put charged on dental care and glasses because they couldn’t afford to pay them.In 1980 the black report came out which was a paper concentrated on the differences in mortality rates and there was data on morbidity and health in a more positive perspective. In 1998 the Acheson report came out which explained that there were environmental factors that contributed to the health of people, for example the damp living conditions of the lower class can cause their children to develop asthma.After that in 1999 there was a paper released called Our Healthier Nation, which explained that there was a rise in cancers, aids, disease and mental health problems due to the environmen t, the paper also had recommendations the government could do to reduce the rise of people who have disease, cancers and mental health problems. In 2004 a paper came out which was called choosing health and making healthier choices which talked about people making healthier choices in food, cutting down on drinking and it also encouraged people to become more independent in being healthier.There has been a lot of changes in legislation relating to the health of the nation because over the years the health of people has changed and the diseases they are treating now are a lot different to what they are now, for example, back in the 1900’s the government had to deal with the mortality rate of babies and young children, but now the government are working on keeping the elderly and adults healthy and getting rid of cancers and other disorders.In the 1800’s the health of the nation was pretty poor because the living conditions were bad and there was no medical treatment or help available so many people died due to disease caused by dirty water, damp housing, cramp rooms and sewage waste. There were also a lot of babies dying due to polio and TB, whereas now a days there are vaccinations for them. Over the years health care has developed and the health of the nation has changed.We now have life support machines, x-ray machines and more advanced technology so we can keep babies alive, get rid of certain disease and we also have the scientific research and technology to create vaccines to make babies and young people immune to the diseases that killed most people in the 18-1900’s. This would mean that people are now healthier compared to the 1800’s.Over these years the infant mortality rate had dropped but the percentage of the population that smoke and drink are now much higher in most areas, so even though the government have tackled some problems that arose in the 19th century, they still have problems to tackle now which have developed through the second half of the 20th century. Infant death in the 1800’s was caused by diseases such as rubella and tuberculosis, whereas smoking and drinking cause further health problems that the government need to help tackle and reduce the number of cases.Smoking can cause, lung cancer, mouth cancer and even throat cancer. These problems can now be treated with chemotherapy or radiation to shop them spreading and to fight the cancer. If these issues where to be recognised in the 1800’s then they wouldn’t be able to do much about it and they would have left the patient to die because they had no proper technology to treat them and they didn’t have the scientific studies to show that the use of radiation can stop the cancer and in some cases cure it.So basically even though some problems have been tackled that were major issues in the 1800’s the government can’t say with 100% guarantee that the health of the nation is better because even th ough infant death rate has dropped quite a bit over the 20th century, and the life expectancy has increased by 30 years or so, the government still have problems to sort out that have developed during the 21st century, for example, the number of obese people in the UK had risen.In relation to the problems in the 19th century, then the government can say that as a nation we are healthier, but they can only relate it to the issues that was going on in that times, for example, the number of babies with tuberculosis has dropped and it is now at a normal rate, whereas babies were dying in there thousands in the 19th century. That could be used to explain that we are now healthier than when we were in the 1800’s. This is because of scientific research, technology and proper training of staff members in hospitals and doctors surgeries.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Notes on Sales and Marketing
Create a Marketing Plan A good marketing plan can shape the way you connect to your existing customers and attract new ones. It can also help you determine the types of customers you should target, how to reach them and how to track the results so you learn what works to increase business. If you don't have a marketing plan, creating one is not difficult. A successful marketing plan doesn't have to be complex or lengthy, but should contain enough information to help you establish, direct and coordinate your marketing efforts.To help you through the process, we've identified five steps to follow. These encompass information gathering before you write your marketing plan, the drafting of the plan itself, and updating the plan after you've created it. Along the way we use Margie's Travel, a new 25-person travel service company, as an example. Step 1: Position your product or services To start your plan, keep in mind the four â€Å"Ps†of marketing: product, price, promotion and p lace. Your goal is to put the right product or service in front of the right customers, at the right price and at the right time and place.A good way to get started is to answer some basic questions about your business. The following scenario for Step 1 is based on the marketing plan used by Margie's Travel. †¢| Who are you selling to? Margie's Travel provides personal travel services to busy working professionals. Based on collected data, the typical clients are homeowners between the ages of 35 and 55, with yearly incomes of more than US$100,000. | †¢| What do those customers need? The target market for Margie's Travel is affluent working couples with children who want travel plans customised for a family.The company's goal is to provide convenient, unique and relaxing travel experiences appropriate to each family. | †¢| What distinguishes your product or service from the competition? Margie's Travel has a competitive advantage in its ability to accommodate families with children of all ages, from putting together fun and entertaining travel packages to making special accommodation travel plans with short or extended notice, flying domestically or internationally. Margie's Travel also has the advantage of being a home-based business that equires lower overhead and start-up costs than a traditional travel service business. | †¢| Are there marketing tactics that work best for your business? Research indicates that the most effective advertising tool for a service like Margie's Travel is small display ads in local papers, such as a weekly community newspaper with a paid subscription base of 5,000 to 40,000 readers. Margie's Travel also places ads in the local boating community newsletter, and sends brochures to larger businesses. By answering these key questions about your business, you can develop a solid foundation on which to build your marketing plan. Step 2: Ask for input from trusted advisors To ensure that you have a clear sense of yo ur own business, it is a valuable practise to gather information from those around you. Set up meetings with trusted friends, staff, advisors and peers, and ask for their input on the following: †¢| Who is your business selling to? | †¢| What do your customers need? | †¢| What distinguishes your products or services from the competition? | †¢| When and how often should you employ marketing efforts? †¢| Where should your company be one year from now? | Getting feedback on these aspects of your business can help you prepare your marketing strategy as well as create targeted materials. Step 3: Ask for input from customers and prospective customers To successfully market to customers, you need to learn how they react to your product, pricing, brand or service  anything related to your business. Ask several of your current and prospective customers what they think about your business, products and services, potential to sell to them, and competitors.You c an ask them by e-mail, telephone or marketing postcards. Incentives, such as discounts or samples, can encourage feedback. Step 4: Draft your plan Now that you have feedback and an outline, you can draft your marketing plan. Start by summarising your market position and goals, and define what you expect to accomplish in a specific time period. A typical marketing plan might be organised in the following way: †¢| Market Summary| †¢| Competitive Landscape| †¢| Product Comparison and Positioning| †¢| Communication Strategies| †¢| Launch Strategies| | Packaging and Fulfillment| †¢| Success Metrics| †¢| Marketing Schedule| With a marketing plan in place, you have a structure you can use to help keep your business on track. Step 5: Track your results, update your plan Reviewing your plan every six months helps you determine whether it is producing the results you need. You can easily track your progress with a spreadsheet, where you can also calculate yo ur marketing costs and compare them with sales and other metrics. You should also update your plan regularly to respond to changing market
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Leonardo Da Vinci2 essays
Leonardo Da Vinci2 essays Leonardo da Vinci is probably the most famous complex artist of the Renaissance and perhaps all time. But what many people dont know is that he wasnt just a genius in art he also excelled in sculpting, architecture and he was also an inventor. Leonardo was born in a small stone house on April 15, 1452. Leonardo started off interesting from the way he was conceived to what happened to his grave after he died. He was born an illegitimate child in the small town of Vinci. We dont know much of anything about his mother accept her name was Caterina and in town history she was known to be a barmaid. On the other hand we know much about his father. His fathers name was Piero da Vinci, he was in his mid twenties when Leonardo was born and he worked as a lawyer in the small town of Vinci and later moved to Florence where he became a very accomplished lawyer. Piero was a man who seemed to have bad luck because he had four wives and three of them died. He wasnt the nicest guy either because he wasnt going to take Leonardo in until he found out his new 16 year old wife was barren and then he did because he wanted a child. While Leonardo was growing up his father noticed his artistic talent and at the age of 15 his father too k him to Florence to an art studio where he worked under Giorgio Vasari. Vasari wrote much about Leonardo after his death. He wrote that Leonardo had "a spirit and courage invariably royal and magnanimous"(The World of Leonardo, pg12) and he "could sing and improvise divinely"(The World of Leonardo, pg12). In Vasaris biography you can tell that he had much respect for Leonardo he pictures him as a happy young man that was a singer, flute player, and could converse for hours. Leonardo was entered into the painters guild shortly after his apprenticeship and started painting. Its weird though that Leonardo is known so much for his painting when he painted just over a dozen of ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Biography of Edwin Hubble
The Biography of Edwin Hubble The astronomer Edwin P. Hubble made one of the most profound discoveries about our universe. He found the cosmos is much larger than the Milky Way Galaxy. In addition, he discovered that the universe is expanding. This work now helps astronomers measure the universe. For his contributions, Hubble was honored by having his name attached to the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope. Hubbles Early Life and Education Edwin Powell Hubble was born November 29, 1889, in the small town of Marshfield, Missouri. He moved with his family to Chicago when he was nine years old, and remained there to attend the University of Chicago, where he received a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy. He then left for Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship. Due to the dying wishes of his father, he put his career in the sciences on hold, and instead studied law, literature, and Spanish. Hubble returned to America in 1913 after the death of his father and began teaching high school Spanish, physics, and mathematics at New Albany High School in New Albany, Indiana. However, his interest in astronomy led him to enroll as a graduate student at the Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin. His work there led him back to the University of Chicago, where he received his Ph.D. in 1917. His thesis was titled Photographic Investigations of Faint Nebulae. It laid the foundation for the discoveries he later made that changed the face of astronomy. Reaching for the Stars and Galaxies Hubble next enlisted in the Army to serve his country in World War I. He quickly rose to the rank of major and was injured in combat before being discharged in 1919. He went immediately to Mount Wilson Observatory, still in uniform, and began his career as an astronomer. He had access to both the 60-inch and the newly completed 100-inch Hooker reflectors. Hubble effectively spent the remainder of his career there, where he also helped design the 200-inch Hale telescope. Measuring the Size of the Universe Hubble, like other astronomers, was used to seeing strangely shaped fuzzy spiral objects in astronomical images. They all debated what these things were. In the early 1920s, the commonly held wisdom was that they were simply a type of gas cloud called a nebula. These spiral nebulae were popular observation targets, and a lot of effort was spent trying to explain how they could form given the current knowledge of interstellar clouds. The idea that they were whole other galaxies was not even a consideration. At the time it was thought that the entire universe was encapsulated by the Milky Way Galaxy - the extent of which had been precisely measured by Hubble’s rival, Harlow Shapley. To get a better idea of the structure of these objects, Hubble used the 100-inch Hooker reflector to take extremely detailed measurements of several spiral nebulae. As he was observing, he identified several Cepheid variables in these galaxies, including one in the so-called Andromeda Nebula. Cepheids are variable stars whose distances can be precisely determined by measuring their luminosity and their periods of variability. These variables were first charted and analyzed by astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt. She derived the period-luminosity relationship that Hubble used to discover that nebulae he saw could not lie within the Milky Way. This discovery initially met great resistance in the scientific community, including from Harlow Shapley. Ironically, Shapley used Hubble’s methodology to determine the size of the Milky Way. However, the paradigm shift from the Milky Way to other galaxies that Hubble was a tough one for scientists to accept. However, as time passed, the undeniable integrity of Hubble’s work won the day, leading to our current understanding of the universe. The Redshift Problem Hubbles work led him on to a new area of study: the redshift problem. It had plagued astronomers for years. Here is the gist of the problem: spectroscopic measurements of the light emitted from spiral nebulae showed that it was shifted toward the red end of the electromagnetic spectrum. How could this be? The explanation turned out to be simple: the galaxies are receding from us at high velocity. The shift of their light toward the red end of the spectrum happens because they are traveling away from us so fast. This shift is called the Doppler shift. Hubble and his colleague Milton Humason used that information to come up with a relationship now known as Hubble’s Law. It states that the farther away a galaxy is from us, the more quickly it is moving away. And, by implication, it also taught that the universe is expanding. The Nobel Prize Edwin P. Hubble was honored for his work but unfortunately was never considered a candidate for the Nobel Prize. This was not due to a lack of scientific achievement. At the time, astronomy was not recognized as a physics discipline, therefore astronomers were not eligible. Hubble advocated to change this, and at one point even hired a publicity agent to lobby on his behalf. In 1953, the year Hubble died, astronomy was formally declared to be a branch of physics. That paved the way for astronomers to be considered for the prize. Had he not died, it was widely felt that Hubble would have been named that year’s recipient. Since the prize is not awarded posthumously, he did not receive it. Today, of course, astronomy stands on its own as a branch of science that also includes planetary science and space science. Hubble Space Telescope Hubble’s legacy lives on as astronomers continually determine the expansion rate of the universe, and explore distant galaxies. His name adorns the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), which regularly provides spectacular images from the deepest regions of the universe. Fast Facts about Edwin P. Hubble Born November 29, 1889, Died: September 28, 1953.Married to Grace Burke.A well-known basketball player at the University of Chicago.Originally studied law, but studied astronomy in graduate school. Received Ph.D. in 1917.Measured the distance to the nearby Andromeda Galaxy using light from a variable star.Discovered that the universe is larger than the Milky Way Galaxy.Devised a system for classifying galaxies according to their appearance in images. Honors: numerous awards for astronomy research, the asteroid 2068 Hubble and a crater on the Moon anmed for him, the Hubble Space Telescope named in his honor, U.S. Postal Service honored him with a stamp in 2008. Edited by Carolyn Collins Petersen
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Write a mini report to demonstrate the meaning of the operational Essay
Write a mini report to demonstrate the meaning of the operational characteristic Visibility , use examples to illustrate your points. (Max 300 words) - Essay Example This store started to work in 1950s, Sweden and now it is the most thriving furniture retailer’s. It has total 276 stores in 36 countries.Its owner has built the store in a very special & innovative way. Therefore its per-unit cost is high as compared to others in the market.Characteristics of operational management includes four V’s.; volume, variety, variation & visibility. Here we’ll discuss the Visibility characteristic, which involves High & Low visibility. Low visibility operations –in this operation to much timing process is involved between the production and the consumption. That is why the output from the transformation is highly standardized. Employees don’t have the required skills and they move towards theminimum number of tasks during the transformation process. Therefore, low visibility leads the business to low cost unit High visibility operations –on the other hand in high visibility time is effectively consumed. Quality of service is based on the service perception. Employees hold much skill to work & there is a high contact among them. The degree of the variety of product is highly considered, keeping the demands of the customers in mind. Services aren’t standardized that’s why employees take their customers seriously. Therefore, per-unit cost is very high. (Business management a Functional focus,
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