Monday, January 27, 2020
The Impact Of Leadership Styles
The Impact Of Leadership Styles Leadership styles Leaders have their own style, which is fine if they can find a situation that requires that style of leadership. Being able to adapt the leadership style according to the situation and the state of the grope or team are flexible leadership example: taking charge when a team is forming but playing the role of coach when a team is managing itself well. One the fundamental principle of leadership style is to change according to the circumstances such as Situational Leadership (develop by Blanchard and Hersey in the late 1960s). According to Hersey and Blanchard, a leader is concerned with the task to be performed and with building relations with his employees. A leader may focus on work, building a team or building relationship with his or her employees, according to a combination of all these concerns Hersey and Blanchard proposed four leadership styles. Style 1 Indicating high concern for the task and low concern for people. Style 2 Showing High Concern for Task and People. Style 3 Having high concern for people and low for the task. Style 4 Indicating Low Concern for the task and Low Concern for people. According to them all the classified four styles are functional; it is according to their relevance situation that is important. Leadership styles in the situational model can be classified according to the amount of task and relationship behavior the leader engages in. Task related behavior also known as Regulating behavior since a leaders behavior revolves on regulating his or her group members and their task completion, other leaders concentrate on building personal relationship, which is called nurturing behavior. Regulating Behavior A Leader engages in one-way communication , who gives clear instructions of group roles and informs the group members what to do, where to do, and how to do, and closely supervises their activities and performance. Structure, Control, Supervise are the regular behavior of the leaders. Nurturing Behavior A Leader who engages in dual communication he who listens, provides support and encouragement, facilitates, interaction and involves the group in decision making. Praise, Listen, and Facilitate these are the regular behavior of the leaders Source (Pareek, 2007). Transformational versus Transactional leadership Achieving the current objectives efficiently by helping the organization by clarifying the needs and desires of the employee is known as transactional leadership. This type of leadership behavior improves employees performance and satisfaction. The transactional leaders focus on running the organization smoothly and efficiently. The transactional leader creates a clear structure and clear instructions to his or her subordinates regarding their work and rewards subsequently. Punishment is understood since it is not mentioned .The discipline system is usually in place. This type of leadership is a popular approach with the most of the managers. Transformational leadership have the ability to change the vision, strategy and culture of the organization based on personal values, beliefs, and qualities, Transformational leadership enable the followers to become leaders. Transformational leadership go beyond the immediate task that is the functions build the competencies of individuals and group and enable them to achieve targets that the organization or the individual would have not expected to achieve. Transformational leadership change the organizations strategies and culture so they are successful with the surrounding environment, they are the changed agents who show the direction to the employees to a new set of organizational values and behaviors. Empowering, risk taking clarity of mission, team building, equanimity, and evolving trust are few of the characteristics of transformational leaders Source (Theory of Transformational LeadershipRedux, Winter 1995). Transformational versus charismatic leadership Many researches do indicate that the two types of leadership as essentially equivalent, some others theorists say they are distinct and few other scholars say charismatic leadership is an ingredient of transformational leadership or charismatic leadership is the highest degree of transformational leadership. The third group of scholars separate charismatic leadership from transformational leadership. They say charisma is a personal trait referent power over followers, whereas transformational leadership is a set of behaviors that people use to lead the change process. Transformational leadership enables the followers to become leaders. Charismatic leaders are also known as heroic leaders by some of the research; they build allegiance in followers but do not necessarily change the organization. They use the power to serve others, they consider and learn from criticism and also they encourage followers to question leaders view. In many theories the leadership behaviors of charismatic a nd transformational leadership appear to be similar with very few important differences is evident as well. Transformational leaders will be doing lots of work which will make the employees more dependent on the leaders such as developing followers skill and self-confident, giving information to sensitive information and decentralizing the authorities. Transformational leaders at any level in any organization can easily be determined according to Bass since this type of leadership is globally relevant for very situation. Charismatic leaders are more proactive, do more things that creates an image of extraordinary competence for the leaders such as restricting information, risk taking and unconventional behavior. Charismatic leaders are rare, and appear to be more dependent only on favorable conditions in an organization and these leaders are very common for new organizations as visionary entrepreneurs or reformers. Charismatic leaders are usually more extreme Source (House, et al., 1994), (Avolio, et al., 1985). Distinguishing characteristics of charismatic and Non charismatic Leaders Non Charismatic Leaders Charismatic Leaders Likableness Likable leaders have shared perspective Idealized Vision and an honorable hero makes leader liable. Trustworthiness Disinterested advocacy in persuasion attempts. Leaders are passionate advocacy by taking personal risk. Relation to status quo Status quo is being maintained. Change of atmosphere is being created. Future Goals Goals are limited with very few discrepant from status quo. Vision of Idea which is highly discrepant from status quo. Articulation Articulation is weak in goals and motivation to lead. Motivation to lead and articulation of vision is very strong. Competence To achieve goals within framework of existing order with available means. Unconventional means is used to transcend the existing order. Behavior Conventional Unconventional Source: Conger, et al., 1998 Characteristics of Three Styles of Leadership Authoritarian or Autocratic This style is used when leaders take decisions from their position, control of rewards and coercion. The autocratic leaders group performance is almost good since they are characterized by positive feelings. This type of style can be used when you have all the information to solve problem, you are short on time, and your employees are well motivated. From the experiments of Lewis et al. it was found that this style resulted in very high level of discontent. Some leaders tend to think of this style as a tool for abusing, using unprofessional language, and leading by threats and abusing their power. This is not the authoritarian style, bossing people around. It has no place in a leaders repertoire. The authoritarian style should only be used occasions Source (Patterns of Aggressive Behavior in Experimentally Created Social Climates, 1939). Participative (Democratic) Democratic leader involve their people (one or more employees) in decision making (determining what to do and how to do it) encourages participation and depends on subordinates respect for influence, this style of leadership partly explains the reason for empowerment of employees. The group members of a democratic leader perform well even when the leader is absent. However, the leader maintains the final decision making authority. Employees usually like democratic decision making, it is a sign of strength that your employees will respect. Democratic leadership however will find it difficult when options differ and it will difficult to arrive at a final decision. By this style is of mutual understanding it allows the employees to become part of the team and allows the leader to make better decisions Source (Field Theory and Experiment in Social Psychology Concepts and Method, 1939). Laissez-faire In this style, the leader has a minimum involvement in decision making; the leader allows the employees to make the decisions. However, the leader is still responsible for the decisions that are made. This is successful when the employees are able to analyze the situation and determine what needs to be done and how to do it, and where there is no requirement for a centralized coordination. This is not a style to use so that you can blame others when things go wrong, rather this is a style to be used when you fully trust and confidence in the people below you. It was discovered by Lewin et al. that the democratic style was the most effective style of leadership. A good leader uses all three styles, depending on what forces are involved between the followers, the leader, and the situation. Some examples include, using an authoritarian style on a new employee who is just learning the job. The leader is competent and a good coach. The employee is motivated to learn a new skill. The situa tion is a new environment for the employee. The leader knows the problem, but does not have all the information. The employees know their jobs and want to become part of the team. You cannot do everything and the employee needs to take ownership of her job! In addition, this allows you to be at other places, doing other things Source (Pareek, 2007). The Impact of Leadership in Organizations The leadership has the ability to motivate and influence other leaders and the employees to achieve organizational goals through process of change. So are all the leaders are good and effective? Should all the organizations adopt a single approach to leadership? To analysis this leadership there is three types, which are individual leadership, group leadership and organizational leadership. Each of these types of leadership has a tremendous impact on how leaders are classified and viewed. The leadership theories revolve around describing traits of a leader, however, however the modern theories have tried to explain the impact through behavioral approaches. Motivation and process theories were later developed to determine the relationship and affect a leader had on the individual and group within an organization. Training has development has been a prominent development in the world of Organizational Behavior (OB) as organizations sought innovative methods for feedback and to regenerate their culture. This type of practiced has positively affected many organizations, the short-term results of coaching has given insight view of level 3 leadership which has been incorporated by both transactional and transformational leadership styles, however for organizations to achieve prominence and market share in their respective industry further development of leaders to a Level 5 leadership style was required. As the hierarchy in leadership position, power, control and achievement grew with the leaders success, some well known companies such as GE under the leadership of Jack Welch found themselves in the search of true leaders. It will be demonstrated that although such a leader may be detrimental to the organization, narcissistic leaders have also proven vital to the revival of these same organizations. Future planning is very important in the long-term growth of an organization in order to retain and attract the new leaders of tomorrow. Organizations need to be constant in terms of direction and control an effective leader has influenced in the past, and effective planning for the future leaders to continue the successful organization. The ever growing challenges that leaders face in the changing environment and coping with such difficult tasks such as interface management, change management, knowledge management and group dynamics within projects has been a task to balance and overcome. An effective leader increases the positive emotions within their organizations, they choose to do so a clear and compelling vision, but also have deep personal humility and an intense professional will Source (Sturek, 2005). Conclusions Leadership is a complex concept that has clearly demonstrated that developmental style is the most desirable style and it is associated with creation of empowerment, growth, learning, morale and satisfaction on the part of the employees. In Common terms this style creates resonance while the critical climate creates dissonance. In future the leadership programs should concentrate on the developmental style as a desirable style. This results in indicating the potential of all the situations chosen in predicting the leadership style. The style of leadership gets noticed consistently in most of the situation. Leadership style based feedback should perhaps focus on this in future.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Clinical Analysis: One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest
This is strongly exhibited in the film, through nurse Ratchet's cold, dominating manner of inning of the ward. In the film Chiefs character is written off as deaf & dumb by both the staff and other patients, he often appears catatonic. Broaden does not participate In the therapy circle and appears to be only treated regularly through drugs. He Is presented In the story as a patient with the longest tenure at the institution. The film also alludes to him having had large numbers of shock treatments during his stay.In the novel his character is described as having paranoid hallucinations of dense overwhelming fog generated by The Combine, a massive piece of machinery that intros people. The Chief isolates himself through his facade of being deaf and dumb. Eventually when Macarthur is able to get him to speak, the Chief reveals a story about his father being â€Å"worked on†by society. When he opens up, the Chief also lets on that he appears to see people as either big or small, he views people of confidence and strong spirit as large.The Chief describes himself as a small man, his perception of himself speaks of feelings of weakness or low self efficacy and depression. To properly diagnose Broaden today, a Callahan Is likely to conduct preliminary ABA work & tests to rule out other possible causes for the schizophrenia like symptoms. A clinician would test him for commonly abused drugs that cause schizophrenia like symptoms for example, & conduct a basic physical to rule out medical illnesses that may be causing these symptoms as well as review medical history.A clinician would take note of Broadens very apparent symptoms of Psychosis: marked by hallucinations & delusions (The Combine), disturbances in sensory perception (the fog strongly held personal beliefs (The Combine controls people, reception of people as either being small or big) as well as emotional expression (his blunted flat affect, even when speaking to Macarthur ( speech Is flat, monotone & lacking in signs of typical emotion).A clinician would also pickup on less obvious thinking behavior problems (in this case voluntary lack of speech). They would also need to determine whether Bromide's prolonged depressed mood is a symptom of schizophrenia or one of major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder. Psychosocial treatments would include: rehabilitation, individual psychotherapy, Emily education, self help & support groups and antispasmodic drugs. Social and vocational training would be administered early on after the antispasmodic medication has been administered.As it deals with the immediate issues of isolation and helps teach the individual how to readjust to life outside of the sheltered/ controlled environment of a hospital setting, rehabilitation would be an integral step in eventually returning to life in the outside world. In the film Broaden appears to benefit greatly from forced social interaction with Macarthur. Macrographs character takes on the role of th erapist with The Chief. He treats Broaden with respect and speaks to him instead of at him, which creates a bond of trust.Macarthur also takes the time to involve Broaden in social activities like conversations and group activities (basketball games). The scene where Broaden successfully dunks the ball in the game against the orderlies exhibits the great effect of these simple therapeutic exercises. At the end of this scene Broaden no longer moves at a slow & sluggish pace, appears to come out of his catatonic state and even wows a change in affect with appropriate smiling after scoring in the game.Receiving personal social attention, as well as being involved in the basketball game seems to do wonders for Broaden' isolation & self efficacy issues. Individual psychotherapy would involve regularly scheduled talks between the patient and therapist, to focus on current or past feelings, problems and experiences. Regular interaction with an empathetic person could guide the patient into a more grounded state and put them in touch with the outside world/reality. Problem solving ND coping skills could be learned from reality based therapeutic exercises.As patients are often released and into the care of family members, it is important that they are educated on schizophrenia, relapse prevention & troubleshooting. Learned coping problem solving skills could result in a more successful outcome of care and readjustment of their family member. Self help and support groups would be used to provide mutual support and continued safe & empathetic social outlet for the patient. Patient support groups allow the patient to develop a sense of community with other patients as well as a resource of growth and learning from the sense that they are not alone in their condition.In a way Macarthur follows the psychosocial treatment pattern with The Chief, who at the end of the movie describes the way he perceives himself as â€Å"big as a damn mountain†and has developed proble m solving skills, clearly resolved his self able to make the decision to and accomplish escaping the ward. This comes in stark contrast to the methods exhibited by Nurse Ratchet that focused on maintaining control of the patients, & order of the institution, with a disregard for support/care of the progress of the individual patient.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Why World Cinema Is an Important Topic to Study
WhyWhy world Cinema is an important topic to study? Third Cinema is a very different topic to the rest of the syllabus topics; this will allow us to broaden our viewing range and develop our own film interest. Popular Hollywood films are usually number one choice, when it comes to choosing films as there is a limited number of choice and verity within the small section provided that under world cinema.Unless you have knowledge in the industry and about the films you are searching for, it becomes a challenge to find something suitable for your interests. Studying ‘Global Cinema’ will expand our knowledge on the 10% of films that do not fall under that category of Hollywood films. Although Hollywood films have a much higher success rate, it will not always have a new creative plot or narrative. Similar article: Pestle Analysis for Odeon CinemaWhere-as world cinema films challenges Hollywood films within creativity by exploring different structures etc. Although there are some difficulties we will face whilst trying to study specific films such as the language barrier, variations in culture, different sense of humour and sometimes words, sayings or puns will be lost in translation. However we will be able to gain information about various cultures and country of origin and their industries, different ways techniques and styles of films.There is no such thing as a typical world cinema film, as it is a collective term used for all manner of films from different national cinema and therefore there a wide range of genre within world cinema to be explored to be able to suit various interests. World cinema is unique and differs from predictable mass culture. Which is often something neglected, undervalued or misunderstood as Hollywood has ‘power’ when it comes to the film industry therefore films from around the world have categorised by the fact they are not Hollywood films rather than genre based.Hollywood films often have similar plot points or nothing ‘new’ about their style of films. There are some national cinema films which have been remade by Hollywood. A classic example of ‘Hollywood remakes’ is the original Internal Affairs (1990, Mike Figgis) this film was an initial success within its origin country however it became a global success after Hollywood remade this film with an all-star cast, produced by Brad Pitt.In conclusion it is important to study world cinema films is to be able to expand our knowledge as it is often not discussed. Hollywood films do not always provide us with unique creative films that challenges against the conventional way in which film is portrayed through Hollywood. This will give us a new film experience whilst learning about new culture and the country of origin.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Code Of Chivalry By Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
The Code of Chivalry was a moral system which went beyond rules of combat and introduced the concept of Chivalrous conduct - qualities idealized by the Medieval knights such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and great gallantry toward women. The Codes of chivalry also incorporated the notion of courtly love. The Code of Chivalry was the honor code of the knight and was an important part of the society and lives of people who lived during the Medieval times. The world of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is governed by these well-defined codes of behavior. The code of chivalry, in particular, molds the values and actions of Sir Gawain and other characters in the poem. The ideals of Christian morality and knightly chivalry are brought together in†¦show more content†¦The Green Knight announces that he’s come to test the honor of the legendary knights of the round table, and proposes a game: he will withstand a single axe-blow from the hands of one knight, if that knight agrees to meet him in a year and a day to receive an axe-blow in return. Stunned by the total weirdness of his request, no one volunteers. The Green Knight mocks them cruelly, calling out Arthur himself to take up the challenge. But before Arthur can strike a blow, his nephew, Sir Gawain, declares that it’s shameful for the king to have to participate in such a silly game. So, Sir Gawain volunteers himself. Gawain brings the axe down on the Green Knight, chopping his head off. Instead of dying, the Green Knight picks up his own head, turns it to face the court, and tells Gawain to meet him at the Green Chapel in a year and a day. He makes his exit and everyone left in court is reeling from the transgression. The seasons pass, and soon it’s the holiday season again. Gawain leaves King Arthur s court on All Saint’s Day in search of the Green Chapel. He rides through enchanted lands teeming with marvels, battling monsters, and withstanding extreme cold and snow as he travels. As Christmas approaches, Gawain is relieved to see a huge, well-protected castle in the middle of an enchantedShow MoreRelatedSir Gawain And The Green Knight Chivalry Essay796 Words  | 4 PagesKnights and shining armor, is a modern day description of knights. These knights road on horseback, jousted, but more importantly, served by a code. This was a code dealing with chivalry, in which knights obey ed by. The article Nighthood and Chivalry, defines it by, â€Å"In modern English, chivalry means the ideals, virtues, or characteristics of knights,†(Velde). There is one specific knight who shows this code in the story, Sir Gawain and The Green Knight. The knight is Gawain, a noble and courageousRead MoreChivalry Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight904 Words  | 4 PagesChivalry in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight There are many great movies, like â€Å"300†or â€Å"Saving Private Ryan,†that are told with the classic chivalry elements that were known to describe the noble knights from hundreds of years ago. Much like the courageous soldiers in these movies, Sir Gawain in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, faced many conflicts that might have questioned his moral code of nobleness. Sir Gawain was a great knight that was loyal to King Arthur and had the courage to take on theRead MoreA Knight s Honor : An Analysis Of Chivalry865 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis of Chivalry†Throughout history, people of certain cultures base their lives off special rules, or codes. The Anglo-Saxons took examples from the epic hero of Beowulf. Knights during King Arthur’s rule lasted by the code of Chivalry. Lessons from this honorable code can be extracted from the text of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, as well as from Morte D’Arthur. Each of these memorable pieces of literature show examples of the code of chivalry. The three aspects of chivalry are courageRead MoreEssay on Chivalric Romance in Sir Gawin and the Green Knight701 Words  | 3 Pagesdoes a Chivalric Romance really represent? In â€Å"Sir Gawain and The Green Knight,†Sir Gawain continuously proves his knightly virtues and code of honor. Chivalry includes bravery, honor and humanity. He proves that he is in fact a â€Å"real†knight. It shows many ways that â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight†are perfect and the emphasis on the importance of the chivalric code. Despite its divine origins, the chivalric code is ultimately a human ideal. Chivalry is not a trait naturally found in man, but ratherRead MoreThe Middle Ages : Sir Gawain And The Green Knight1742 Words  | 7 PagesAges†). Sir Gawain and the Green Knight was written in the thirteenth and fourteenth century, along with Morte D’Arthur. Both medieval epics exemplify bravery and courage as their themes. â€Å"The only universal European institution during the Medieval Era was the Catholic Church which had all the local power within the local bishops†(Sagona). The church saw itself as the only spiritual place of Christian believers, thus it had a large amount of influence on Medieval people, including knights. ChristianRead MoreThe Code Of Chivalry And The Fundamental Thoughts And Actions Of Human Nature1499 Words  | 6 PagesEnglish 2223 Jennifer Smith 26 November 2015 Sir Gawain†¦ Chivalric? By analyzing Sir Gawain’s attempts of following the Code of Chivalry and the fundamental thoughts and actions of human nature helps to further analyze Gawain’s character. The definition of Chivalry is the â€Å"set of values and code of conduct for the medieval knightly class†(Shatz) examining Gawain’s attempts to achieve his goal of being the perfect chivalric knight, the nature of his obstacles has to be determined, andRead MoreChivalry is the code of conduct on which someone, in particularly the Knights, acts on honor,600 Words  | 3 PagesChivalry is the code of conduct on which someone, in particularly the Knights, acts on honor, courage, and to protect the Queen and all women. I’m sure that we all know someone who acts on this basis and strives to make it so he gets it to where everyone else does. In today’s world we don’t call it chivalry, instead its called rules and laws, laws that keep us in line so we don’t get o ut of control and accidentally do something that we shouldn’t have done. I know in wrestling and every other sportRead MoreSir Gawain And The Green Knight967 Words  | 4 Pages4 Period J 1 Oct 2015 Chivalry In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Sir Gawain and The Green Knight is considered not only a most brilliant example of Middle English poetry but one of the jewels in the crown English Literatures, and sits in the British Library under conditions of high security and controlled humidity. In the anonymously written story, Sir Gawain And The Green Knight shows Sir Gawain’s chivalry form his loyalty to his King, being testing by Green Knight, and his behavior duringRead MoreThe Canterbury Tales, written by Chaucer, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, written by an1600 Words  | 7 PagesThe Canterbury Tales, written by Chaucer, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, written by an anonymous author, are both sophisticated fourteenth-century examples of medieval romance. Medieval romances captured the heart of their audiences as narratives and stories that featured a protagonist, often a knight, and dealt with religious allegories, chivalry, courtly love, and heroic epics. The concept of the knight emerged from the remnants of the Anglo-saxon literature and ideals and influence of theRead MoreCantos Themes Of Chivalry In The Green Knight905 Words  | 4 Pagesshown. The main theme is chivalry. This was the system used in medieval times by knights. It shows the characteristics of a knight that should be present. These include respect, courage, justice, and honesty. These are all shown when the Green Knights shows up in Camalote he comes with a challenge to test the knights chivalry. The challenge is simple, someone can cut the Green Knights head off as long as he is able to do it to them one year from now. Gawain takes the Green Knight’s challenge and cuts
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