Monday, December 9, 2019
Health Insurance and Affordable Care Act free essay sample
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), also called ObamaCare or the Affordable Care Act, is a United States federal statute signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. This is one of the most consequential expansions from the government and administrative overhaul of the U. S healthcare system, since the establishment of Medicaid and Medicare of 1965. The purpose of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is for raising the rate of health coverage of Americans and lowering the total of health cost. There are several pros and cons of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and I would like not only to explain them but the policy itself also. There are several different pros and cons concerning ObamaCare but first, we will have to divide what the pros are for the different economic classes of Americans and the type of person you are, because some effects apply to lower class when they don’t to upper class and the effects of it may be different if you are a woman or if you’re a senior citizen. For the average American, which are those making fewer than 400% of the Federal Poverty level (FPL), would see decreases in their insurance premiums. The overall quality of healthcare would increase, while the cost will lower. However, 1% of businesses will be affected by the cons of ObamaCare, which is the possible decrease of health plans for employees received by employers and/or the amount of work they do. For lower class people ObamaCare will benefit them greatly, especially those with no insurance at all. Albeit, some states will have the option of not participating in that, despite that there would be 100% funding and 90% next the next year. Some states would rather save money, but some states will be able to gain money from this. Some of the effects of ObamaCare could include reforms to Medicare which could affect seniors negatively and positively. Small businesses will receive benefits from this while those businesses that don’t already provide insurance to their employees will not. A huge benefit is that the small businesses with less than 25 employees will receive million in tax credits for them. Americans were opposed to ObamaCare before it was even passed. Several promises were made that ObamaCare would lower premiums, but instead health care rose by 9%. Employees expect this to continue rising. A projection made from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reveals that the cost to implement has skyrocketed to $1. 76 trillion over the next 10 years. In 2011, House Republicans found emails about Democrats and Pharmaceutical Lobbyists meeting in secret cooperating to get ObamaCare passed. Part of the deal was that lobbyists promised a multi-million dollar advertising campaign promoting the proposed law in exchange for special deals from ObamaCare Administration. Democrats began to face angry crowds because of concerned citizens expressing their displeasure with the proposed health care legislation and the direction of Congress. March 20th, 2010, Tea Party groups met to protest the passage of ObamaCare. This protest was an example of other protests going around the country because of citizens’ dislike of the ObamaCare program. Democrats still urged and fought to pass ObamaCare albeit the displeasure of citizens. March 21st, 2010, howbeit 48% of Americans opposing the unpopular health care bill, House Democrats still voted for the bill. March 23rd, unpopular ObamaCare was signed into law by the president. November 2nd of 2010, Americans elected a majority of Republicans into the House, to push for repeal. Studies have shown that since the ObamaCare had been passed over the displeasure of Americans, it would cost the Democrats the election. January 19th, 2011 House Republicans voted to repeal ObamaCare, but it was reenacted again. Some Americans still don’t like the law, but parts of it are still in place. When ObamaCare was first passed, almost everyone thought that states would be able to could and would create its own health insurance exchange. This law required that states had to expand Medicaid, or accept the consequences, which were possibly severe federal penalties too. States want to be able to create their own exchanges and monitor them, but the federal government would not like that. The federal government wants to keep the control over the exchanges and run ObamaCare across the country. Then they made a law, which was disliked among many, but favored among most. ObamaCare also creates new obligations for the states even if they don’t opt it. States believe that they will be able to manage the exchanges better and that it’s their duty to do so; however the federal government says No and will not let the states do it. Liberals behind the law are denouncing the governors of the 26 states, that don’t find ObamaCare to be a good thing, to be federalist hypocrites. As a final point, ObamaCare has done many things to help Americans and to affect them negatively. I think it really decides on who you are to know if it is helping you are not. I cannot say that I am completely with ObamaCare but I do agree with parts of it. There’s really no way to tell if ObamaCare is good or not, there’s only several opinions. It’s for you to decide if you think ObamaCare is good or not. References: gpo. gov. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. gpo. gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-111publ148/html/PLAW-111publ148. htm Wallace, G. CNN. com Breaking News, U. S. , World, Weather, Entertainment amp; Video News. Obamacare: The word that defined the health care debate CNN. om. Retrieved from http://www. cnn. com/2012/06/25/politics/obamacare-word-debate/index. html? _s=PM:POLITICSVicini, J. , amp; Stempel, J. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. reuters. com/article/2012/06/28/usa-healthcare-court-idUSL2E8HS4WG20120628 (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. nrcc. org/default/sites/landingpages/timeline/index. html The Wall Street Journal. . Retrieved from ht tp://online. wsj. com/article/SB10001424127887323981504578179493975282974. html (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://obamacarefacts. com/obamacare-pros-and-cons. php
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